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Changes introduced in the Power BI Desktop May 2023 update Part three of a five-part series of blogs |
The big event this month is the (long-awaited) release of Azure Maps, but the May 2023 update also includes the official launch of the Optimize ribbon and allows you to use measures as data labels, among other changes.
We've been creating our idiosyncratic monthly blogs on Power BI updates since November 2016, and also deliver online and classroom Power BI courses. |
You can now use a measure to customise your data labels in a chart, as shown in this example:
Each data label is showing the number of towns in the relevant region.
To do this, first create a suitable measure:
Region label =
// the number of towns for this region
COUNT(Town[TownId]) & " towns"
You can then set this measure to be the data field for your data labels:
Click on the Field property above to set your data labels to show your Region label measure, but take note of the hint below!
Note that you won't be able to assign a measure to a data label until you turn the Custom label property shown above on. This caught me out for a while!
Here's what it looks like when you're choosing a field to display for your data labels:
Click on the Add data button, then choose a field.
Microsoft promise additional enhancements for this feature in the coming months, so it will be interesting to see what goodies lie in store for us!
Parts of this blog |
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