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There are two ways to test conditions in SQL: the IIF function or the CASE keyword. Let's try both! Start by using the IIF function to classify purchases (somewhat arbitrarily) by the quantity bought:
Using IIF, classify each product under 6 as Poor and anything else as Good. This query shows the first 3 of 80 rows.
This is fine, but I'd like to be more discerning with my categorisation. Depending on someone's performance they will receive a bonus. Use the CASE WHEN keyword to determine this:
Any purchase below 4 quantity will get 0% of the price as a bonus; between 4 and 8 they will get 10% of the price; anything else gets 15%.
Remember WHEN using a CASE and something is true, THEN something else should happen before the END.
Check out the answer here.
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