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Updates to Power BI Desktop for September 2022 Part four of a four-part series of blogs |
You can now format reports differently for mobile view and display X axis labe`s hierarchically by default. One other tiny change is that default column titles in tables now include the summarisation method used.
We've been creating our idiosyncratic monthly blogs on Power BI updates since November 2016, and also deliver online and classroom Power BI courses. |
Suppose you have a chart showing total quantity sold by environment and habitat:
A simple column chart.
What is the effect of putting the HabitatName field in the X-axis well, beneath the EnviornmentName?
What happens if instead of putting the HabitatName in the Legend, you had originally put it underneath the EnvironmentName column in the X-axis category?
The answer now is that you get this chart:
Power BI now automatically assumes that you want to show a hierarchical chart, with both sets of field names showing on the X axis.
You can more or less revert to the old default behaviour by selecting this option to concatenate x-axis labels:
The new way of showing hierarchies in charts disables this option by default when you choose to show two or more fields on the X axis.
Enabling this option for the above chart would show this:
The previous default option: the labels are just concatenated together.
Personally I think both options look messy, and would avoid hierarchical charts altogether!
Parts of this blog |
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