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Analysing our survey results in Microsoft Forms |
Last month we sent out a survey - here are the results, showing a) how Microsoft Forms allows you to report on survey data and b) what people think of us! |
In this blog
Last month I blogged about how incredibly easy it is to create a survey in MS Forms, and showed how we used Forms to create our simple five-question survey. Here are the results!
We actually created two surveys last month, and some people filled in the test one by mistake:
This blog will just show the results from the main survey on the left.
When you click on any form, you can view the responses to it:
This form has had 56 responses.
Forms will automatically create a chart where appropriate to analyse results. Here are some examples. Start with a Likert question:
Slightly to our surprise, this shows that on balance people like getting all the things we send out with our courseware, so we will continue to include these items!
Our choice question on how you would like to receive courseware was pretty decisive:
52 out of 56 want the option to get courseware online!
We will make our courseware available online in January - you can see this blog for how we're doing it.
The Net Promoter Score question generated a rainbow gauge:
Although opinion was more positive than negative, a couple of people added comments that the colour scheme on our website looks a bit dated. Our own feeling is that it could do with a revamp, but time is always the enemy ...
The text box generated 16 free-format comments - here they are! You may recognise yours:
See below for some thoughts on these.
I found these quite encouraging, as they show there isn't a huge and obvious gap in what we do. Some specific replies:
Course | Thoughts |
Power Platform course | This is something we are mulling over. |
Azure SQL courses | We should roll these out in 2023. |
Power Automate | We already do this! |
R | This is an obvious gap in our portfolio, but probably not one we will fill: it's a little bit too specialist (and obviously isn't specific to Microsoft). |
More Pandas | We're unlikely to offer anything beyond what is covered on the Python course, although you never know. |
Power BI datamarts | We might combine this with our Azure SQL course - keep reading our newsletter! |
SharePoint | We used to have a SharePoint course, but it attracted little interest - it's unlikely we will offer SharePoint training in the near future. Sorry! |
Virtual Agents | We are considering this, but will probably wait for our Power Automate courses to take off before investing in this additional course. |
Word / Project | We concentrate on offering training in helping people understand and present their data (plus we never learned to love Project!). |
And finally, thanks to the 22 people who responded to this question:
A plea for negative feedback which went unheeded!
Here is the Word cloud Forms generated for these replies:
The most common comment was that people couldn't find anything negative to say about us and they liked getting our newsletter.
I haven't included the comments because there's a limit to how smug you should sound in a blog, but it's reassuring that people couldn't find much negative to say even when pressed.
That will be the last survey we do for some time, but please do get in touch with us with any other thoughts. You can always remain anonymous on this form if you prefer!
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