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Changes introduced in the March 2023 Power BI Update Part three of a five-part series of blogs |
This month's update is impressive - including visual subtitles, a button action to clear and apply slicers and a new PowerPoint story-telling feature - but it's the on-object interaction in preview which will truly change your life.
We've been creating our idiosyncratic monthly blogs on Power BI updates since November 2016, and also deliver online and classroom Power BI courses. |
In this blog
This change addresses the following issues:
How can you let your users quickly clear all of your slicers? Or build up a list of slicer changes, and apply them with a single button-click?
This couldn't be simpler now! Just choose this option from the Power BI Insert menu:
Choose this option to add a button to clear all of your page's slicers.
You can then spend a very long time formatting your button:
Here we've gone for a fairly modest effect. Remember that to test your button in development view (that is, before you publish your report) you will need to hold down the Ctrl key when you click on it.
This is the button action which is applied:
You could manually create your own button instead, assigning this action to it.
This is a useful option if you have a large volume of data, making updates run slowly:
I've changed the value of each of my slicers, but because I have a button with an Apply all slicers action assigned to it Power BI won't apply the changes until I click on the button.
You can create an Apply all slicers button in exactly the same way as you create a Clear all slicers button (as shown above). Note that if you hide the Apply all slicers button (perhaps as part of a bookmark) it will no longer apply, as this messages makes clear:
If you hide an Apply all slicers button, it will no longer function.
The problem with teaching bookmarks (an advanced Power BI Desktop feature) is that it's getting harder to find obstacles to overcome! Using bookmarks creatively to let users clear all of the slicers in a report page is now sadly redundant!
Parts of this blog |
Some other pages relevant to the above blogs include:
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