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Google Sheets: 5 reasons you should be using them Part five of a five-part series of blogs |
This blog lists 5 reasons why you might like to consider using Google Sheets (perhaps as an alternative to Excel?).
Google Sheets is an online spreadsheet application. In this blog we show 5 reasons you should give it a try. |
One of the major things any Excel user will be nervous of is the steep learning curve for the new functions. Well, good news: there is almost no difference at all!
Of the 200 most common functions only 4 had different names.
The main difference is with the parameters: the order of parameters appears to be the same as in Excel, but the parameter names are different. When using a function, you can use the help box to check how each parameter works:
The help box shows the definition of each parameter and an example of how to use the function.
You can find help on all of the available functions (514 at the time of writing) here:
You can click Learn more to see a page dedicated to that function.
Finally, you can make your colleagues' lives easier by writing your own functions:
Hopefully yours will be more interesting than this one!
You need to learn Google Scripts to create a custom function, and the user must be logged in to use them.
Parts of this blog |
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