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Practical and fun custom GPTs for specific problems in work - or life Part three of a four-part series of blogs |
Custom GPTs are mini-versions of ChatGPT tailored towards a specific task, whether this be looking up information from your company's procedures or website, subtly skewing answers to questions to meet a particular need - or just having fun!
The previous examples of GPTs were for fun, but here are some practical examples of GPTs that you could create at your place of work:
Example | Notes |
Council plan lookup tool | On a course last week (hi Tom and everyone) someone suggested uploading the plan for a London council and testing to see whether anything that a user typed in was a priortiy in this plan. This worked astonishingly well, with the GPT continually giving better answers than any of us on the course had expected. |
University guide for freshers | Another client (thanks, Alex) is trying to develop a tool which freshers at a University can consult to find details of activities and courses in their college. |
Creating a CV | I created a custom GPT which asks you a series of questions and then produces a professional-looking CV based upon these. As so often in AI the results far exceeded my expectations (I've shown an example of this below). |
Creating custom queries | Wise Owl uploaded the schema of our movies database to a custom GPT, which allowed us to generate SQL queries based upon this (the big advantage was that ChatGPT didn't have to guess the table and column names and the joins used in the database, and so was able to generate SQL which worked out of the box). |
Training course guide | One for the near future: we are trying to develop a custom GPT which will allow current or prospective clients to type in a subject and then get a list of training courses including it, with dates and venues. Watch this space! |
Early or prototype versions of each of these custom GPTs had one feature in common: ChatGPT always surpassed expectations, adding in extra details which hadn't been requested.
Here's one example of this. When using the CV GPT above, I gave this as my work experience:
The GPT asks a series of questions: here was my work experience answer.
Here was the relevant part of the resulting CV:
It sounds more impressive when put like this!
What is so astonishing about this is that the GPT didn't even specify that ChatGPT should embellish or big up any answers given - it just did this off its own bat, because it knows that's how CVs work.
Parts of this blog |
Some other pages relevant to the above blogs include:
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