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Practical and fun custom GPTs for specific problems in work - or life Part one of a four-part series of blogs |
Custom GPTs are mini-versions of ChatGPT tailored towards a specific task, whether this be looking up information from your company's procedures or website, subtly skewing answers to questions to meet a particular need - or just having fun!
Before looking at some specific custom GPTs, I thought I'd just quickly explain what they are, and how to access them.
Suppose that you like the results that ChatGPT gives you, but you wish it could stop being so ... polite.
Sometimes ChatGPT can try a bit too hard to please!
So you could try one of the (many) sarcastic custom GPTs in ChatGPT. First explore all of the publicly available GPTs:
Click on this link within ChatGPT to find a GPT to your liking.
You could then search for (and choose from) one of the many sarcastic GPTs out there:
I'm going to go for the second one, as it's got the most interesting name.
I now get all answers translated through a sarcasm filter!
Definitely not the same style as the original answer.
If you don't want to have to follow the steps above, you could just click on this link to access this custom GPT (read on for how to create a link like this).
This blog will give some examples of fun custom GPTs that Wise Owl have created, but also give ideas for how you could make use of custom GPTs where you work (or live).
You need two things to run a custom GPT:
What you need | Notes |
A link | See below for how you can generate a link to any custom GPT if someone hasn't provided you with one. |
An account | You need to sign up for a ChatGPT account (although this doesn't need to be a paid account). |
If you haven't been given a link to a custom GPT you can create your own in ChatGPT. First choose to share the GPT:
Click on this button at the top right of ChatGPT.
It's easy enough then to create a link and copy it:
Click on this button to copy a link to the custom GPT you're currently viewing (here we're updating a link, so the text on the button is slightly different).
If you click on a link someone has given you and you're not logged in to ChatGPT, you'll be asked either to log in or to create an account:
If you haven't previously done so, signing up takes moments (you'll just need to provide a name and date of birth, although I made up both!).
Now that you have seen an example of a custom GPT, let's look at some of the fun ones we've already created before going on to look at useful examples that you could create for your place of work.
Parts of this blog |
Some other pages relevant to the above blogs include:
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