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Software ==> | Visual C# (55 exercises) |
Topic ==> | Arrays (2 exercises) |
Level ==> | Average difficulty |
Subject ==> | C# training |
This exercise is provided to allow potential course delegates to choose the correct Wise Owl Microsoft training course, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any format without the prior written consent of Wise Owl.
To avoid having to draw the form needed for this exercise, right-click on the name of your project in Solution Explorer then choose Add --> Existing Item... (you can also press SHIFT + ALT + A to do the same thing).
Choose only the file called frmGetNames.cs in the above folder to import it into your project, then edit Program.cs to make this the default form. When you run your application, you should now see this:
The idea is that you should type in each applicant's name, then click on the button to add this into an underlying array.
You may find it useful first to create the following constant, variable and array in your code-behind (but not within any particular procedure):
// the number of names allowed
const int maxNumber = 5;
// the current number
int currentNumber = 0;
// array of all of the names
string[] applicants = new string[maxNumber];
Now arrange it so that when you click on the Apply button your code:
Checks whether the maximum number of names has been reached (and displays a message if this is the case).
Otherwise, adds the name to the array in the next blank position.
Displays a message listing all of the members of the array added so far.
For example, after adding your first 3 names you might see a message like this when you click on the button:
The message you might see after adding your first 3 names.
Check that you can't exceed the maximum number of names, then close down your form.
You can find other training resources for the subject of this exercise here:
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