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Want to be get at the file path for an Excel workbook easily? Here's how! |
This short blog explains how you can customise your quick access toolbar to display the path of the file that you are currently working on. |
It can be useful (particularly if you're writing VBA to open, save and close files) to be able to get at a workbook's location easily:
You can tell Excel to display the file location permanently.
To do this, customise the quick access toolbar. First right-click on it and choose to customise it:
Right-click on one of the existing tools in your quick access toolbar, and choose this menu option.
Now choose All Commands from the drop list which appears:
Choose from the list of all Excel commands.
Scroll down (a fair way) to Document Location, and double-click on this to transfer it into your quick access toolbar:
Alternatively, you can click on the Add >> button shown.
Choose OK - every file in Excel from now on will have its path displayed:
You can copy the file path at any time.
My thanks to Jacqueline of Lloyd's for this tip!
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