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In this module you'll learn how to create variables, and how to use them to make your programs easier to understand and write.
4.2 - Object Variables |
4.2.1 - Basic Object Variables |
4.2.2 - Object Variable Scope |
4.3 - Parameters |
4.3.1 - Basic Parameters |
4.3.2 - Multiple Parameters |
4.3.3 - Object Parameters |
Choose what you want to learn from the list of lessons above.
This page provides a brief summary of what you've learned in this module. You can click here to download the example code shown below.
You can declare a variable to hold a single value of a particular data type.
'Dim VariableName as DataType
Dim MyName As String
Dim DateOfBirth As Date
Dim HeightCm As Integer
You can assign a value to a variable by making the variable equal to a piece of data of the appropriate type.
MyName = "Wise Owl"
DateOfBirth = #1/1/1992#
HeightCm = 30
You can read a value from a variable by referring to its name.
Range("A1").Value = MyName
Range("A2").Value = DateOfBirth
Range("A3").Value = HeightCm
You can create and use a variable without declaring it.
Sub Non_Declared_Variables()
MyName = "Wise Owl"
Range("A1").Value = MyName
End Sub
Using non-declared variables can cause problems that are difficult to find when you accidentally misspell a variable name.
Sub Misspelling_Variables()
MyName = "Wise Owl"
Range("A1").Value = MyNmae
End Sub
You can force all variables in a module to require a declaration by adding Option Explicit to the top of the module.
Option Explicit
Sub Require_Variable_Declarations()
Dim MyName As String
MyName = "Wise Owl"
Range("A1").Value = MyName
End Sub
Declaring a variable in a procedure limits its scope to that procedure.
Sub Assign_Name()
Dim MyName As String
MyName = "Wise Owl"
End Sub
Sub Write_Name()
'Cannot reference MyName
Range("A1").Value = MyName
End Sub
You can declare a variable outside a procedure at the top of a module to make it available to every procedure in the module.
Dim MyName As String
Sub Assign_Name()
MyName = "Wise Owl"
End Sub
Sub Write_Name()
Range("A1").Value = MyName
End Sub
You can declare a variable outside a procedure using Dim or Private to make it available to every procedure in the module.
Private MyName As String
Sub Assign_Name()
MyName = "Wise Owl"
End Sub
Sub Write_Name()
Range("A1").Value = MyName
End Sub
You can declare a variable outside a procedure using Public to make it available to every procedure in every module of the project.
Public MyName As String
You can declare a variable to hold a reference to a class of object.
Dim MyCell As Range
Dim MySheet As Worksheet
Dim MyFile As Workbook
You use the Set keyword to assign a reference to an object variable.
Set MyCell = Range("A1")
Set MySheet = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set MyFile = ThisWorkbook
You can use the variable to access properties and methods of the object it references.
MyCell.Value = "Wise Owl"
You can use other methods and properties to return an object reference to a variable.
Set MySheet = Worksheets.Add
Set MyFile = Workbooks.Open("C:\Book1.xlsm")
Set MyCell = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
You can declare a parameter for a procedure in the parentheses after the procedure's name.
Sub Basic_Parameter(MyName As String)
You can read a parameter's value by referring to its name.
Sub Basic_Parameter(MyName As String)
ActiveCell.Value = MyName
End Sub
You can pass a value into a parameter by calling the procedure.
Sub Call_Procedure()
Basic_Parameter "Wise Owl"
End Sub
You can optionally name the parameter before passing a value to it.
Sub Name_Parameter()
Basic_Parameter MyName:="Wise Owl"
End Sub
You can optionally use the Call keyword and enclose the argument list in parentheses when you call a procedure.
Sub Using_Call()
Call Basic_Parameter(MyName:="Wise Owl")
End Sub
You can define multiple parameters separated with commas.
Sub Multi_Parameters(MyName As String, DateOfBirth As Date)
You can define a function to return a value of a particular type.
Function Current_Month_Name() As String
End Function
You can return a value from a function by assigning a value to the function's name.
Function Current_Month_Name() As String
Current_Month_Name = Format(Date, "mmmm")
End Function
You can define parameters for a function.
Function Month_Name(DateToUse As Date) As String
Month_Name = Format(DateToUse, "mmmm")
End Function
You can call a function in another procedure to return its value.
Sub Call_Functions()
Range("A1").Value = Current_Month_Name
Range("A2").Value = Month_Name(DateToUse:=#1/1/1992#)
End Sub
You can return a reference to an object from a function.
Function Next_Blank_Cell() As Range
Set Next_Blank_Cell = _
Range("A1048576").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End Function
You can use the function name to return a reference to an object and make use of the object's methods and properties.
Sub Use_Object_Reference()
End Sub
This page contains reference material for the code used in this module.
You can see a summary of the basic VBA data types in the table below:
Data Type | Description | Size in Bytes |
Byte | A whole number between 0 and 255 | 1 |
Integer | A whole number between -32,768 and 32,767 | 2 |
Long | A whole number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647 | 4 |
LongLong | A whole number from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. You can only use this data type in 64-bit editions of Microsoft Office | 8 |
LongPtr | Automatically transforms to a Long in 32-bit editions of Office and a LongLong in 64-bit editions | 4 or 8 |
Single | A number with an absolute value up to 3.402823 x (10^38) and with a maximum of seven digits | 4 |
Double | A number with an absolute value up to 1.79769313486232 x (10^308) and with a maximum of fifteen digits | 8 |
Currency | A number with four decimal places and a range of -922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807 | 8 |
Boolean | The value True or False | 2 |
Date | A date and/or time from 01/01/100 to 31/12/9999 | 8 |
String | Any string of text up to approximately 2 billion characters | 10+ |
Variant | Any value of any data type listed above. A Variant has a subtype indicating what type of value it actually holds | 16+ |
Object | A reference to any class of object defined in VBA | 4 |
Variables in VBA can have one of three levels of scope, as described in the table below:
Scope | Location of declaration | Keyword used to declare | Available to |
Procedure | Within a procedure | Dim | Only the procedure in which the variable is declared |
Module | In a module, outside any procedure | Dim or Private | Every procedure in the same module as the declaration |
Project | In a module, outside any procedure | Public | Every procedure in every module of the project |
Try doing one or more of the following exercises for this module:
Exercise 4.01 Exercise 4.02 Exercise 4.03There is currently no test for this module.
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