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Elvish and Dwarvish keyboards now available |
Worried that you're having to type in your second language, English? Help is at hand, with these two specialist Lord of the Rings keyboards. |
For years I've had to type in my second language, so I'm relieved to see that a specialist keyboard and audio company called Drop (based in San Francisco; where else?) has released an Elvish keyboard:
As the blurb on Drop's webpage for the keyboard says: "The time of the Elves is not yet over".
Of course, I know what you'll be thinking now: what about us dwarves? Fear not:
I must admit all the symbols look similar to me (a comment which will have me drummed out of the Lord of the Rings fan club). You can see (much) more detail about this keyboard here.
You can see a good summary of the keyboards available (and the Tolkienism behind them) in this ArsTechnica article.
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