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Editing text messages and locating your petrol cap: two OMG life hacks |
A substantial proportion of Wise Owls had never heard of either of these life hacks. Don't live in ignorance like we did (the texting trick in particular may change your life). |
In this blog
We don't often share life hacks, but enough Wise Owls gasped with amazement at these two to make them worth blogging about!
You have mistyped a text message:
Shouldn't that be Information, not Intubation?
How to correct it? Just tap and drag on the space bar to position your mouse pointer in the right place:
You can now press the Backspace key to delete the lettters you don't want, and then replace them with the correct substitutes.
The good news is that this trick works on both my IPhone and Sam's Android (although neither of us knew about it!).
Here's how I used to find my filler cap on a car (until today, in fact):
Drive into petrol station, guessing which side of the car I should park next to the pump.
Get out of the car and locate the fuel cap. Discover it's on the other side.
Try to stretch the filling hose over the car to reach the fuel cap.
Spill fuel down self and car because the nozzle doesn't quite reach the cap properly.
But here's how I'll do it from now on:
Every car fuel gauge has a petrol pump with a tiny arrow on, showing you which side the fuel cap is on.
Be honest: did YOU know this?
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