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Just for Fun - more apps to while away a lunchtime |
A host of games and fun stuff from Neal Agarwal - enjoy playing about, and admire the coding which has gone into creating everything! |
Just for Fun is a website created and run by Neal Agarwal:
The home page of Just for Fun.
You can waste a great deal of time playing about wtih the games and features. Below I've listed 4 of my favourites.
Window 93 is a parody of Windows 95. It must have taken forever to create!
You could spend a LONG time investigating all of the apps, programs and documents!
Yes, Fluid Paint is just another painting app, but you can choose how many bristles your brush has and it's strangely satisfying:
I would guess you could draw something impressive with this app, although clearly I haven't.
I quite liked this cloud generation site because it shows what can be done using CSS and JavaScript and a lot of time and expertise:
You can choose the type of clouds you get and drag your mouse around to change their configuration.
Every Site Knows shows you what every website can tell about you:
You can click at the arrows at the bottom right to go between different things people know about you.
When I tried this on my phone it told me that the website knew that I had a fancy IPhone! It's only an IPhone 12, so I'm not sure this is true ...
Let me know if you find any treasures! that I missed!
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