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How to deal with a Zombie apocalypse (StackOverflow) |
Sure, you often turn to StackOverflow to find why a formula isn't working, but are you missing a trick? The site can also help you design solutions to cope with a zombie apocalypse. |
I turn to StackOverflow many times during the working day to find answers to technical questions, but until now it had never occurred to me to consult it for advice on how to deal with a problem which has been preoccupying me a lot of late: how to kill (and dispose of) a large multitude of zombies.
You will be astonished how much effort people have put into designing zombie-killing-machines - and how detailed the comments get.
A good place to start is with this original question on the WorldBuilding StackExchange community:
A serious question, which gets some serious discussion.
Someone recently asked a similar question, asking how the US military would cope with a zombie apocalypse:
This question is more specific about the problem needing a solution.
Solutions include ramps, trebuchets, guillotines, razor wire, moats and combine harvesters.
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