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You are welcome to try any of the 18 Power Automate Desktop exercises listed below, but please do not distribute them in any form without asking for our written permission first.
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Working with Excel |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create an Excel workbook and save it using a name typed into an input box. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Working with Excel |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Use various Excel actions to go to a cell containing hidden content and show it. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Working with Excel |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Open a periodic forecasting model in Excel and extend it by one period. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Loops |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Loop over a table of Excel billionaires extracting those not from the USA. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Loops |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Loop over files in a folder, opening the workbooks and signing each. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Loops |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a flow to show those F1 circuits which are in one year but not another. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Lists |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a flow to read in Excel data, extract one column, sort this and print it. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Lists |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a list, add items to it and print them out in a loop. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Subflows |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Use two subflows to display different messages on different weekdays. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Files and folders |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a flow to test if a file exists, and open it if it does. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Files and folders |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a flow to get all the files in a subfolder, and catalogue them by year in Excel. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | User intefaces (UIs) |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Write a flow to mimic a user opening PowerPoint and then opening a file. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | User intefaces (UIs) |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a flow to simulate opening Power BI Desktop and linking to an Excel table. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Browsing websites |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a flow to search Google for a phrase that you type into a box. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Emails and Outlook |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a flow to move Outlook messages on a given subject to a different folder. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Emails and Outlook |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a zipped file from a set of images, and email this as an attachment. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Emails and Outlook |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Loop over data rows emailing files of a different type out as attachments for each. |
Software: | Power Automate Desktop |
Topic: | Emails and Outlook |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Write a flow to get the emails in a folder, and write the senders of each to Excel. |
You can search our full list of Power Automate and PAD exercises here. Or why not learn to do them the right way on one of our Power Automate and PAD training courses? You can attend our online training classes wherever you are in the world!
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