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Using Copilot to generate a Power BI Azure map reference layer |
This blog covers how to use Copilot to generate a geojson file that can be used in Power BI Azure maps. |
When using the Azure map visual in Power BI, it's easy to plot locations. The map below shows the locations of several UK postcodes:
Each location appears as a blue circle by default.
I would like to see if these locations fall within 25km of one another but the Azure map can't display distances between these points, well, not without a little help.
To add this information we can make use of the Reference layer option. This allows you to upload information using the .json, .geojson, .wkt, .kml, .shp, or .csv data types.
We need to create a file to upload!
The first thing to do is export your data in a format Copilot will understand. Excel or csv files are always a good option.
A sample of my data stored in a csv file.
I am going to ask Copilot to take each point and create latitude and longitude points in a 25KM circle.
Sometimes you many need to tweak the wording of your prompt.
If everything has gone to plan, there should now be a download link for your new file.
Remember to always thank your future AI overlord for its hard work.
Opening the file will show that for each postcode there are now 101 surrounding data points.
Imagine typing this out by hand!
Now swap back to your Azure map and scroll down to the Reference layer setting.
Upload your geojson file here.
This can take a moment to upload but when your map refreshes it should now have an outline.
We can now see any overlapping areas.
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