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Software ==> | Power BI (160 exercises) |
Topic ==> | Query editor (9 exercises) |
Level ==> | Relatively easy |
Subject ==> | Power BI training |
This exercise is provided to allow potential course delegates to choose the correct Wise Owl Microsoft training course, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any format without the prior written consent of Wise Owl.
With more Pokémon being added all the time, it's time to clean up our data (and clear out the trash)! First bring in the data from a reliable source (Wikipedia):
To get the Wikipedia data, Google List of generation I Pokémon, or import the Excel file in the above folder
Load this into the query editor and get rid of a couple of columns:
The Notes column is gumpf and the idea of Type(s) Secondary is offensive. We've also moved the National Pokedex number column.
Next get rid of any Pokémon who didn't first appear in Red and Green.
This can been done by applying a filter to the top of the First appeared column.
Finally to make our list completely free of any non-originals do a find and replace to remove any reference to Mega Evolution:
The very idea that Venusaur can evolve is just ridiculous and this stupid idea of mega forms has to stop!
Since we no longer need the First appeared column, delete it. The column was only there to remove non-essential Pokémon. Now close and apply to save your changes:
We millennials might not have houses, but we do have avocado toast and Pokémon!
Save this as There are only 151, then close it down.
You can find other training resources for the subject of this exercise here:
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