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Here are the chapters included in this course manual (we use exactly the same manuals for our classroom and online Python courses).
Click here to download a sample of the first two chapters of this Fast-track Python manual, or review how to license our courseware.
Section | Title |
1.1 | Introducing Python |
1.2 | Choosing an Editor |
1.3 | Using IDLE |
Section | Title |
2.1 | Comments |
2.2 | Variables |
2.3 | Rules of Arithmetic |
2.4 | Basic Strings |
2.5 | Testing Conditions |
Section | Title |
3.1 | Installing Visual Studio Code |
3.2 | The Visual Studio Code Window |
3.3 | Installing Extensions |
3.4 | Using Terminal Window |
3.5 | Configuring VS Code Settings |
3.6 | Other Useful VS Code Tips |
Section | Title |
4.1 | Files and Folders |
4.2 | Running Programs |
4.3 | Basic Debugging |
4.4 | Terminal Input (Revisited) |
4.5 | The Code Runner Extension |
Section | Title |
5.1 | What Virtual Environments Are |
5.2 | Creating a Virtual Environment |
Section | Title |
6.1 | Importing Modules |
6.2 | Some Useful Built-In Modules |
6.3 | Using External Modules |
Section | Title |
7.1 | Basic Ways to Format Output |
7.2 | Formatting Numbers |
Section | Title |
8.1 | While Loops |
8.2 | Break, Continue and Pass |
8.3 | For Loops |
8.4 | Ranges |
Section | Title |
9.1 | Overview |
9.2 | Preparing to Debug |
9.3 | Debugging |
9.4 | Viewing and/or Changing Variable Values |
9.5 | Breakpoints |
9.6 | Debugging Function Calls |
9.7 | Logging Breakpoints |
Section | Title |
10.1 | Introduction to Sequences |
10.2 | Tuples versus Lists |
10.3 | Slicing Sequences |
10.4 | Joining and Splitting Sequences |
10.5 | Unpacking Sequences |
10.6 | Working with Sequences |
10.7 | Examples of Sequences |
Section | Title |
11.1 | Adding and Removing Items |
11.2 | Changing the Order of Lists |
11.3 | Shallow and Deep Copying of Lists |
Section | Title |
12.1 | Comprehensions |
12.2 | Generators |
Section | Title |
13.1 | Writing to Text Files |
13.2 | Using With to Close Files Automatically |
13.3 | Reading Files |
13.4 | Looping Over Files |
Section | Title |
14.1 | Trapping for Errors |
14.2 | Raising Exceptions |
Section | Title |
15.1 | Overview |
15.2 | Working with Numbers |
15.3 | Working with Boolean Values |
15.4 | Working with Dates (and Times) |
15.5 | Working with Strings |
Section | Title |
16.1 | Some Set Concepts |
16.2 | Working with Sets |
16.3 | Converting between Sets and Lists |
16.4 | Examples of the Use of Sets |
Section | Title |
17.1 | Creating Dictionaries |
17.2 | Using Dictionaries |
Section | Title |
18.1 | The Need for Functions |
18.2 | Writing a Function |
18.3 | Learning Points |
18.4 | Ways to Pass Arguments |
18.5 | Arbitrary and Keyword Arguments |
18.6 | Using Modules for Functions |
18.7 | Modular Programming |
18.8 | Docstrings |
Section | Title |
19.1 | Case Study |
19.2 | Preparation for Web Scraping |
19.3 | Understanding HTML |
19.4 | Getting Started |
19.5 | Getting HTML |
19.6 | Ways to Navigate |
19.7 | Getting Output |
19.8 | Finding Elements |
19.9 | Searching Using CSS Selectors |
Section | Title |
20.1 | Getting Started with Openpyxl |
20.2 | Working with Workbooks |
20.3 | Working with Worksheets |
20.4 | Working with Cells |
20.5 | Looping over Cells |
Section | Title |
21.1 | Overview |
21.2 | Linking to SQL Server (or Other Databases) |
21.3 | CSV Files |
21.4 | JSON Files |
Section | Title |
22.1 | Overview |
22.2 | Creating Arrays |
22.3 | Working with Parts of an Array |
22.4 | Array Maths |
22.5 | Operations on Arrays |
Section | Title |
23.1 | Overview |
23.2 | Creating Dataframes and Series |
23.3 | Reading and Writing Dataframes |
23.4 | Showing Dataframe Information |
23.5 | Showing Parts of a Dataframe |
23.6 | Aggregating Data |
23.7 | Calculations with Columns |
23.8 | Other Dataframe Operations |
23.9 | Plotting Dataframes |
Section | Title |
24.1 | Preparing for Python |
24.2 | Getting Data from Python |
24.3 | Power BI Python Visuals |
Section | Title |
25.1 | Choosing an AI Tool |
25.2 | Generating Code |
25.3 | Refactoring / Changing Code |
25.4 | Optimising Code |
25.5 | Debugging |
25.6 | Researching Modules |
If you book a place on one of our courses you will automatically get access to the relevant courseware manual online, and also have the option to receive a paper copy of it.
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