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Here are some comments we've received about our Report Builder + training. You can see all of our 523 reviews here. We would like to sincerely thank the clients whose names are shown below for kindly agreeing to let us share their feedback.
"An excellent tutor, who gave a vivid understanding of how report builder works. He would make sure each and every one of us understood the topic before moving onto the next one. He structured his sessions in a way that it wasn't stressful, which made sure I had enough time to grasp what was being taught."
Joseph Philip
Torus62 Ltd
"Really great course and really appreciate this being changed last minute to provide me with the content and experience needed for SSRS reporting."
Lauren Szarvas
Bedfordshire Police
"A great trainer, really engaging and made even the complex topics simple to understand."
Rob Mason
Richer Sounds
"Really enjoyed the course. Informative friendly trainer, who explained more complex features simply and clearly. Liked the ease of accessing the training from home."
Nicola Sneddon
The Richmond Fellowship Scotland
Report Builder is a standalone software program which allows you to create reports, whether within Power BI or separately. Although Report Builder looks very different from SQL Server Reporting Services, it's actually virtually identical once you start using it.
You can see our take on the differences between Report Builder and Reporting Services here.
You can use Report Builder to edit existing reports or create new ones. Here are some of the things that you may choose to include in your reports:
Item | Notes |
Tables | A table of data usually shows the results of a SQL query, although you can use the built in query designer to extract data yourself from underlying tables. You can choose to group tables (for example, to show films by director), and apply outlining to hide or display all child records when you click on a parent. |
Matrices | A matrix, like a table and a list, is an example of a tablix item. In a matrix one of the fields goes across the top and one down the left side (imagine a pivot table in Excel and you won't be far wrong). |
Charts | You can create a wide variety of charts in Report Builder, including the new sunburst and tree map charts (neither of which is anything like as exciting as it sounds!). You can also embed spark lines and data bars within the cells of a table. |
Indicators | An indicator is a visual representation of how highly a statistic rates against its peers. For example, you could use indicators to show green circles against any sales staff who have exceeded their targets. |
Gauges | A gauge can be linear (like a thermometer) or radial (like a rev counter on a car), and has a pointer showing how high a reading is against a built-in scale. |
Lists | As mentioned above, lists, tables and matrices are really 3 different versions of the same thing: a grid of data. A list allows you to show a different page of charts, tables and reports for each member of a list. |
Subreports | A subreport shows all of the children for a parent (for example, you might use a subreport to list all of the films made by a given director). Subreports are most useful for drill-down effects (so you might click on a director's name to see a list of all the films they made). |
Maps | You can display geographical data as maps, including enabling drill-down so that when you click on (say) a town you see a list of all the transactions taking place in it. |
Other | Just for the sake of completeness, you can insert lines, rectangles and images (all of which do exactly what you'd expect). |
When you've finished creating or editing a report, you can save or publish it to:
If creating using | Publish to |
Report Builder standalone application | On-premises Report Server |
Power BI Report Builder | Power BI Service |
We run a two-day Introduction to Report Builder course, which you can take as a classroom course or online.
Click on any heading below to learn more.
Contact method | Details |
Phone | Call us on (0161) 883 3606 and (within normal UK office hours) a friendly and helpful human will answer the phone! |
Send an email to our inbox and we'll aim to answer it within a couple of working hours. | |
Web | Fill in an enquiry form letting us know what you want to achieve, and we'll do our best to help! |
We've got the following videos on our site to help you to learn Report Builder:
Category | Videos |
84 |
5 |
21 |
Blog topic |
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