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Report Builder Course (2 days)

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Shaun (one of our 7 Wise Owl trainers)

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All UK prices exclude VAT

Over 50 Google
5-star reviews


521 attributed

Topics covered on this course

  • Basic reports


    1. Text boxes and images
    2. Selecting report items
    3. Formatting parts of a report
  • Data sources and datasets


    1. Data sources
    2. Datasets
    3. Using query designer
  • Tables


    1. Creating tables
    2. Interactive sorting
    3. Floating headers
  • Grouping


    1. Inserting groups
    2. Group headers/footers
    3. Displaying group totals
    4. Expanding and collapsing
  • Expressions


    1. The expression builder
    2. The ReportItems collection
    3. Built-in fields
    4. Conditional formatting expressions
  • Page set-up


    1. Page headers and footers
    2. Page names and numbers
  • Exporting reports


    1. The various report formats
    2. Using RenderFormat.Name
  • Parameters


    1. Creating parameters
    2. Filtering using parameters
    3. Drop list parameters
    4. Coping with empty tables
  • Matrices


    1. Row and column groups
    2. Sorting and filtering matrices
    3. Creating subtotals
  • Charts


    1. Creating charts
    2. The parts of a chart
    3. Formatting charts
  • Miniature charts  


    1. Creating sparklines
    2. Creating data bars
  • Graphical indicators


    1. Creating and customising indicators
    2. Linear and radial gauges
  • Lists


    1. Page-per-record lists
    2. Dashboard lists
    3. Other list ideas
  • Subreports  


    1. Creating a child report
    2. Creating the main report
    3. Linking the two reports
  • Drill-through reports  


    1. Parent and child reports
    2. Creating actions
    3. Passing values to a child report
  • The SSRS web portal


    1. Browsing to the web portal
    2. Viewing reports
    3. Managing reports

Topics marked will be covered if time allows.

Get a PDF of the course contents

Why Choose Us?

Here are some reasons to choose Wise Owl courses:

In addition, here are some benefits unique to classroom training:

And some benefits specific to online training:

  • Courseware posted to you in advance
  • Separate pre-course check-up included
  • Our clever Wordsworth system means you can use our laptops (and we can see them)

We've been in business over 30 years - we must be doing something right!

Creating Reports using Report Builder course dates

The table below lists the Creating Reports using Report Builder courses that we currently have scheduled (click on one of the tabs to filter the list).

Date(s) Date(s) Duration Venue Price Times  
Thu/Fri 10-11 April 2025 10-11 Apr 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Wed/Thu 14-15 May 2025 14-15 May 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Thu/Fri 12-13 June 2025 12-13 Jun 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Wed/Thu 16-17 July 2025 16-17 Jul 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Wed/Thu 13-14 August 2025 13-14 Aug 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Thu/Fri 11-12 September 2025 11-12 Sep 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Thu/Fri 16-17 October 2025 16-17 Oct 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Thu/Fri 13-14 November 2025 13-14 Nov 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Mon/Tue 15-16 December 2025 15-16 Dec 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book

If you can't see the course you want listed above, don't despair! If you can muster 3 or 4 people together, it may well be worth organising an onsite course at your office (we'll provide and set up the computers), or else an online course tailored to your needs.

We don't currently have any Report Builder courses scheduled in our London training centre. We may consider adding dates - it's always worth asking.

Alternatively, if you have a handful of like-minded people in your organisation, you could consider booking your own bespoke Report Builder course, whereby you get to pick the dates, training delivery method and venue!

We don't currently have any Report Builder courses scheduled in our Manchester training centre. We may consider adding dates - it's always worth asking.

Alternatively, if you have a handful of like-minded people in your organisation, you could consider booking your own bespoke Report Builder course, whereby you get to pick the dates, training delivery method and venue!

Date(s) Date(s) Duration Venue Price Times  
Thu/Fri 10-11 April 2025 10-11 Apr 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Wed/Thu 14-15 May 2025 14-15 May 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Thu/Fri 12-13 June 2025 12-13 Jun 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Wed/Thu 16-17 July 2025 16-17 Jul 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Wed/Thu 13-14 August 2025 13-14 Aug 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Thu/Fri 11-12 September 2025 11-12 Sep 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Thu/Fri 16-17 October 2025 16-17 Oct 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Thu/Fri 13-14 November 2025 13-14 Nov 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book
Mon/Tue 15-16 December 2025 15-16 Dec 2 days Online £875.00 + VAT 09:30-16:30 Book

If you can't see the course you want listed above, don't despair! If you can muster 3 or 4 people together, it may well be worth organising an onsite course at your office (we'll provide and set up the computers), or else an online course tailored to your needs.

About half of our courses are created bespoke for a single organisation, and either delivered onsite (usually somewhere in the UK, but we're willing to travel!) or online. For onsite courses we will usually provide and set up the necessary computers free of charge.

There are four main reasons why you might want to book tailored training like this:

  1. If you have 3 or more people, organising custom training will probably be cheaper than booking people individually onto a scheduled course.
  2. You'll be able to choose the content of any training, and be able to pause it for discussions on how you'll use software internally, or ask to take digressions.
  3. You may not be able to travel to our venues, so it might be easier to ask us to travel to you.
  4. You may not be able to make the dates of our published scheduled courses, and want to be able to choose when your training takes place.

If you'd like a quote for how much a tailored course would cost please let us know what you'd like to achieve and we'll get back to you (normally within half a working day).

What other people have said about our Report Builder course

Here are some comments we've received about our Report Builder course . You can see all of our 521 reviews here. We would like to sincerely thank the clients whose names are shown below for kindly agreeing to let us share their feedback.

"A great trainer, really engaging and made even the complex topics simple to understand."

Rob Mason

Richer Sounds

"Really enjoyed the course. Informative friendly trainer, who explained more complex features simply and clearly. Liked the ease of accessing the training from home."

Nicola Sneddon

The Richmond Fellowship Scotland

"Really great course and really appreciate this being changed last minute to provide me with the content and experience needed for SSRS reporting."

Lauren Szarvas

Bedfordshire Police

"An excellent tutor, who gave a vivid understanding of how report builder works. He would make sure each and every one of us understood the topic before moving onto the next one. He structured his sessions in a way that it wasn't stressful, which made sure I had enough time to grasp what was being taught."

Joseph Philip

Torus62 Ltd

About this Creating Reports using Report Builder course

Click on one of the tabs below to see the given information about the course.

On this two-day course, you'll learn how to create reports in Report Builder, including:

  • Linking to your SQL Server database to show data in tables

  • Grouping tables (including setting titles to expand/collapse)

  • Using the expression builder to add columns to tables, and to apply conditional formatting

  • Creating dropdown parameters for filtering what to show in your reports

  • Adding special effects such as indicators and gauges

  • Creating charts and matrices (think pivot tables) in reports

Report Builder is almost identical to SQL Server Reporting Services (you can see the differences here).  As this link shows, in an ideal world you're probably better off learning SSRS, but many companies only allow staff to create reports using the standalone Report Builder application.


There are no particular pre-requisites for this course, although a passing knowledge of how relational databases are formed will help. In particular, no knowledge of SQL is needed.

What you'll need to bring

If you book on a classroom course, the only thing you need to bring to the course is ... yourself! We even provide a notepad and a suprisingly nice pen for you to take notes with.

For online training you'll need two things:

  1. A good internet connection (otherwise you'll have a frustrating time); and
  2. A second screen (a requirement, not a nice-to-have!)

You can see full details of our online course requirements here.

For classroom training, you won't need a computer - we (obviously) will provide that. However, you're welcome to use your own laptop if you prefer, providing that you have the correct software installed.

For online training you will need a computer, but you won't need to have any software installed.  This is because you'll use Windows Remote Desktop to connect to our computers using our whizzy Wordsworth online training system, and these computers will have all of the necessary files and software installed.

When you book a place

If you book a place on one of our courses:

  • For classroom courses we will send out a joining email. That's it!
  • For online courses we will get in touch to organise a half-hour pre-course check to iron out any connection problems before the course (rather than during it). We will also ask you whether you want to receive a printed copy of the course manual (and post this to you if you do).

Whatever type of course you book, we will also send you out a reminder a few days before the course is due to take place - not that (we hope) you'll have forgotten!

After the course

After the course finishes you'll receive a digital certificate proving your attendance (we will gladly send a paper copy on request also).

We don't have any formal arrangement for answering questions after the course, but if you get stuck on something and email your trainer they should (and nearly always do!) respond as quickly as their training schedule allows.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions

Click on any heading below to learn more!


What other Report Builder courses can I take?

Here is a list of all of the Report Builder courses that we run:

Course name Days
Report Builder (this course) 2 days
Reporting Services 2 days
Advanced SSRS 2 days
Fast track SSRS 3 days

What courses do you have related to this one?

You might like to consider invesigating these related courses:

Related course Days Level
Reporting Services 2 days Introduction
Advanced SSRS 2 days Intermediate or advanced
Introduction to SQL 2 days Introduction

What are your venues for your classroom Report Builder courses?

We run our scheduled classroom training courses in the following venues:

Venue Details
Report Builder training in London We run our courses in London from the LandMark offices in Bishopsgate, right in the middle of the City (and close to Liverpool Street mainline station).
Report Builder training in Manchester We run our courses in Manchester from the Holiday Inn business centre, which is a few minutes' walk from Piccadilly station.
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