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You are welcome to try any of the 99 SSRS Reporting Services exercises listed below, but please do not distribute them in any form without asking for our written permission first.
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Designing a Simple Report |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a basic SSRS report containing a table of actors sorted by name, and a simple image. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Designing a Simple Report |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a simple report, containing an image, a line and a textbox. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Designing a Simple Report |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a skeleton premier league table (this exercise is mostly about aligning and formatting text boxes). |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Data sources and datasets |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a data source and shared dataset to link to a simple two-table database of books and authors. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Tables |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create an SSRS report showing a table of actors with interactive sorting. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Tables |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a formatted SSRS table to show a list of successful films with interactive sorting and a total row. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Tables |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a report containing a table listing actors, with interactive sorting. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Tables |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create two tables in an SSRS report and apply filters to each using the Tablix Properties dialog box. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Tables |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a pretty tabular report listing out actors and their films, and freeze the headers at the top of each page. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Grouping tables |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Apply grouping to an SSRS table to organise films by genre. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Grouping tables |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a grouped table in an SSRS report with collapsible sections. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Grouping tables |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Apply multiple grouping levels to a table in an SSRS report. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Grouping tables |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a tabular report grouping films by starring actors. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Grouping tables |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a report with multiple grouping levels and collapsible groups. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Grouping tables |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a tabular report listing films by language and country, with two levels of grouping and subtotals for each. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Expressions |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Add calculated fields to an SSRS dataset to calculate the percentage success rate of Oscars won by films. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Expressions |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Apply conditional formatting to an SSRS report using expressions. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Expressions |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a calculated field to test if a field contains no value. Use the result of the expression to filter two tables. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Expressions |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a report with an expression calculating film budgets per minute, and a simple page header. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Expressions |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Use expressions to create conditional formatting in an SSRS table. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Expressions |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a report listing film directors by age (including calculating this age with an expression and conditional formatting). |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Expressions |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Use expressions in an SSRS report to calculate a variety of values related to the season of a film. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Expressions |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Use the lookup function in an SSRS report to retrieve related information from a different data source. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Pages and printing |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Use expressions in an SSRS report to generate a page header and footer. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Pages and printing |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Export an SSRS report to Excel using the RenderFormat.Name property to control the visibility of report items. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a report using parameters to show all of the actors born between two (user-input) dates. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Use a drop down list parameter in an SSRS report to filter a table of films based on their Oscar success. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Use drop down list parameters to filter a table of films in an SSRS report. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Use parameters in an SSRS report to filter a table of actors by name. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Use text parameters in an SSRS report to filter a table of film roles. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a report listing out all of the films made for any given actor (choosable from a drop list). |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a report with a multivalue droplist parameter, to show all of the films for a given set of certificates. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create date parameters in an SSRS report to filter a table of actors. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Use drop down list parameters in an SSRS report to filter a list of actors based on their gender and dead or alive status. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Use parameters in an SSRS report to control the results generated by calculated fields. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | A fun but difficult exercise, involving hiding things depending on the value of a dropdown parameter, and with a navigation link thrown in. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a drop down list parameter to select the cast members for different films in an SSRS report. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a report with droplists for the birth month and year for an actor (including an additional drop list to ask which day of the week should be shaded). |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a sequence of cascading drop list parameters in an SSRS report. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Parameters |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Use multiple parameters in an SSRS report to filter a table of films, allowing null values and with conditional formatting. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Indicators |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Use basic indicators in an SSRS report to show the relative success of films based on their Oscar nominations. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Indicators |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Add indicators to an SSRS report to display the length of each film in a table. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Indicators |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a table showing appropriiate smiley faces - indicators - depending on how many Oscars each film was nominated for. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Gauges |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Use a gauge in an SSRS report to display the approximate age of films in a table. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Gauges |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a table containing a gauge to measure the number of Oscar nominations for each film. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Gauges |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Use a gauge to compare Oscar wins with Oscar nominations in a table of films. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Gauges |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a table with a gauge panel containing 2 gauges and 3 labels, measuring film budgets against box office. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Matrices |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a matrix to show the total Oscars won by films in different genres with different certificates. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Matrices |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a simple matrix of films by certificate and country. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Matrices |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a matrix of Oscars, to include formatted subtotals and conditional formatting. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Matrices |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a matrix which groups actors by their day and month of birth in an SSRS report. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Matrices |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a matrix of actors by decade and gender - lots of extra complications in this one!. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Charts |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a chart in SSRS using a timeline axis to display the history of war films. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Charts |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a pie chart in an SSRS report to shown the length of films. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Charts |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a pyramid chart in SSRS to display the average budget of martial arts movies. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Charts |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create and format a bar chart of film takings by country and certificate. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Charts |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a doughnut chart in SSRS to display the relative box office takings of animation films. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Charts |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a doughnut chart within a grouped table giving breakdown of number of films by certificate. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Data bars and sparklines |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Add data bars to a table in an SSRS report to display the length of science fiction movies. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Data bars and sparklines |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a table showing in data bars the number of Oscar-winning films made per actor. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Lists |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a simple list in an SSRS report to display martial arts films. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Lists |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a simple list, showing the main details of each film in a separate box. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Lists |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a list grouping by film certificate, to include a table and a chart analysing the films for each certificate. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Lists |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create a grouped list in an SSRS report to display details of crime films. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Subreports |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a report and subreport listing out all of the actors appearing in each film. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Subreports |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create an SSRS report and subreport combination to display a list of films with different certificates. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Revision of expressions |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a couple of expressions for a report, using the IIF function. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Revision of expressions |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a calculated field using SWITCH to categorise directors. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Revision of expressions |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | For each film show a list of its actors, using JOIN and LOOKUPSET. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Variables |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Use a report variable to colour the first n rows of a report. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Variables |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Use report variables to show percentages of totals. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Variables |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create one report and one group variable to show percent of totals. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Embedding code |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create and embedded code function to calculate film profit margins. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Embedding code |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create an embedded function to show films are blockbusters or turkeys. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Embedding code |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | A long VB function in embedded code to count and summarise words. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Basic Custom Assemblies |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Assign an expression to an image name, using a custom assembly. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Basic Custom Assemblies |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Use a custom assembly to remember - and change - row back colours. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Examples of custom assemblies |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Use a report variable and custom assembly to colour rows proportionally. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Customising reports |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a CSS file and apply it to reports to customise the parameter bar. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Customising reports |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a template, including page setup, logos and default dataset. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Using SQL views |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a report based on a view listing actors and roles, then update it. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Using SQL views |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a new view showing film profitability, and use this for a report. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Using SQL views |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a view including all film tables, and use this to create a matrix report. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Stored procedures in SSRS |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a stored procedure listing actors in order, and use it to create a report. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Stored procedures in SSRS |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a report using a stored procedure linking 2 tables with a WHERE clause. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Stored procedure parameters |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Use two date parameters in a stored procedure for a report listing directors. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Stored procedure parameters |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | List films lasting between 2 parameters, one of which may be null. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Dropdowns with procedures |
Level: | Relatively easy |
Exercise: | Create a dropdown parameter listing film certificates, and use this to show a report of films. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Dropdowns with procedures |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Dropdown of genders, with list of actors coloured according to choice. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Dropdowns with procedures |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Linked dropdowns using parameters, with a UNION query to replace the top value. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Multivalue parameter procedures |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Multivalue droplist, using JOIN to display parameter labels. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Improving report navigation |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a document map / outline for a table with two grouping levels. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Improving report navigation |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create bookmarks for group members, then a table of contents to link to them. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Linking reports (drilldown) |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a drillthrough report in SSRS which allows the user to click a country name to see a list of films made in that country. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Linking reports (drilldown) |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Create a pie chart of films, and attach an action to each slice to show details for that film in a separate table. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Linking reports (drilldown) |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create an SSRS report with a column chart which allows the user to drill through to see details of films made in different countries. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Linking reports (drilldown) |
Level: | Harder than average |
Exercise: | Create an SSRS report with a matrix which can be used to drill through to another report. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Dynamic reports |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Dynamic column chart with dropdown to choose category field. |
Software: | SSRS Reporting Services |
Topic: | Dynamic reports |
Level: | Average difficulty |
Exercise: | Use an expression for a dataset to create a report with two dynamic sort fields. |
You can search our full list of SSRS exercises here. Or why not learn to do them the right way on one of our SSRS training courses? You can attend our online training classes wherever you are in the world!
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