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Software ==> | SQL (203 exercises) |
Topic ==> | Setting criteria using WHERE (12 exercises) |
Level ==> | Average difficulty |
Subject ==> | SQL training |
This exercise is provided to allow potential course delegates to choose the correct Wise Owl Microsoft training course, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any format without the prior written consent of Wise Owl.
This will generate the database that you'll need to use in order to do this exercise (remember to refresh your list of databases to see it!). Note that any files provided are only to be used for exercises published on this website, and may not be reused or distributed in any form without the prior written permission of Wise Owl.
If you don't have a copy of the Music_01 database, follow the instructions at the following link to create it:
Write a query to return rows from the Venue table where the name of the venue begins with A and ends with z.
You should find a single matching venue.
Add another query in the same script which returns venues whose address contains Manchester.
You should return a list of venues located in two different countries.
We only really care about venues in the city of Manchester, UK. Modify the query to exclude any venues whose address contains United States.
Your list should now show only venues from Manchester in the UK.
Sticking with the transatlantic theme, write a new query which shows venues whose name contains the word theatre. Some venues spell this word correctly as theatre, others spell it incorrectly as theater. Make sure that your query returns venues which contain either spelling.
The Queen's English for the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.
For a fancy way to do this you could use a charlist (a list of characters written in square brackets). For example, ColumnName LIKE '%co[al][al]%' would find items which contain coal or cola (as well as coaa and coll!).
We don't really care about amphitheatres (or amphitheaters if you prefer). Modify the query to exclude any amphitheatre or amphitheater venues.
The list of venues should be shorter than for the previous query.
Add one more query which returns venues whose Venue or Other_names column contains either Coca-Cola, Pepsi or Red Bull.
It's probably not worth including Irn Bru in the list of drinks to search for.
Save the script as Top of the Pops.sql and then close it.
You can find other training resources for the subject of this exercise here:
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