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We've published 101 guides on how to use SQL, divided into the following categories:
Before you get into writing SQL Queries you should take some time to familiarise yourself with the application in which you'll be spending most of your time.
Designing and creating databases for use in SQL Server Management Studio.
Write basic queries using the SELECT, FROM and ORDER BY keywords
We've written two versions of our tutorial on using WHERE criteria in SQL - this is the Andrew Gould version.
We've written two versions of our tutorial on using WHERE criteria in SQL - this is the Andy Brown version.
You'll encounter calculations, or expressions, almost everywhere in SQL. The articles in this section explain everything from simple arithmetic to using complex sequences of nested functions.
Dates can be one of the most frustrating things to work with in SQL Server, but these tutotirals should help explain things.
Tutorials on how to create inner joins, left outer joins, right outer joins, full outer joins, cross joins and self-joins!
Use the GROUP BY clause in SQL for statisticsPart one of a four-part series of blogsIf you want to average, count, sum or perform any other statistic on values in SQL, you need to learn the GROUP BY and HAVING parts of a SQL statement.
Views are queries that you can save and reuse; but you can also use them as a basis for further queries.
A subquery allows you to nest one query inside another allowing you to do all sorts of interesting things.
Common Table Expressions are a cool successor to derived tables, which allow you to write SQL which is easier to understand
Tutorials explaining some of the fundamental concepts you'll need to get the most out of programming in SQL.
Trap errors while your SQL code is running, including using TRY / CATCH and raising and throwing errors, and find the bugs in your code and stamp them out!
A stored procedure is a set of SQL instructions stored in a database.
Scalar User Defined Functions in SQL Server - UDFsPart one of a five-part series of blogsIf you have a calculation that you frequently use in SQL queries you're probably bored of writing out the same code time after time. Why not try creating a user-defined function to save you the hassle?
Creating databases and tables, inserting rows and updating and deleting data
Create and use table variablres or temporary tables to hold a set of records temporarily.
You can use table-valued functions to return sets of rows (usually satisfying some given criteria), which can then be manipulated and joined just like any other table.
Using the Pivot operator in SQL Server allows you to create basic pivot tables from your query results.
Triggers are special stored procedures that are attached to tables. They are executed automatically when data is inserted, edited or deleted in the table they are attached to.
Dynamic SQL allows you to build up a string of text and then execute it as a SQL statement. It allows you to create immensely flexible statements but with one major downside.
Whenever you write code to modify data it's always handy to have the opportunity to undo your changes. Transactions provide you with exactly that.
Using cursors to loop over all of the rows in a table.
If you want to learn any of the above in more detail, have a look at booking one of our classrooom and online SQL courses.
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