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Written by Andy Brown
In this tutorial
There are some tables in SQL Server which you'll always do the same calculations on. Here are a couple of examples.
If you have a first name and a last name, you're going to want to create the full name over and over again:
FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS 'Full name'
This would give you something like this:
The full name is the first name, plus a space, plus the last name.
Calculating the gross amount based on the net amount and VAT rate is another example:
Net * (1+VatRate) AS Gross
To avoid having to keep typing in the same formulae over and over again, you could embed it ina a user-defined function or a view; but you could also include it within the table as a computed column.
You can use the following syntax to create a calculated column:
FieldName AS (Formula)
Here's an example of how to create the products table alluded to above:
-- create table of products
CREATE TABLE tblProduct (
Product varchar(100),
Net decimal(5,2),
VatRate decimal(5,2),
Gross AS (Net * (1+VatRate))
-- add a new product
INSERT INTO tblProduct (
Product, Net, VatRate
'Fluffy owls', 9.99, 0.175
-- show all the rows
SELECT * FROM tblProduct
If you ran this SQL, this is what you'd get:
The gross is automatically calculated.
Note, however, that you can't use an UPDATE or INSERT statement to change the value of a calculated column (nor should you expect to be able to do this).
You could also create the Gross column shown above in a table's design view:
Follow these steps:
When you save, close and re-open the table, you'll see a couple of changes. Firstly, any data type has vanished:
You can't specify a data type for a computed column - SQL will work this out itself.
Secondly, the bracket monster has attacked your formula:
SQL Server has added the odd parenthesis ...
What does the Is Persisted property mean in the diagrams above? The answer is that a persisted column will be saved with the columns upon which it is based. So here's what SQL will save for our persons table:
![]() | ![]() |
Without persistence | With persistence |
Thus if you're going to be inserting or updating data a lot but not then querying it much, don't persist (the default); but if you'll hardly ever change data, but frrequently query it, set Is Persisted to Yes.
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