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Written by Andrew Gould
In this tutorial
Perhaps the biggest limitation of the PIVOT operator is that you must explicitly list each column name that you want to create. Not only is this is immensely tedious when you have a large number of columns, you may not actually know what the column names will be. The solution is to create a dynamic pivot table using dynamic SQL.
Start by creating a simple query to display all of the values that you want to become column headings in the final pivot table. In our example we'll select all of the country names using this statement:
SELECT CountryName
FROM tblCountry
The result of the query is shown below:
Your query may be more complex than the one shown above: the aim is to create a list of all column names for the final pivot table.
The next step is to create a comma-separated string of the values from the query results. The code below shows how to do this:
--A variable to hold the complete string
--Concatenate each country with a comma
SELECT @Columns += (CountryName + ',')
FROM tblCountry
--Check the result
PRINT @Columns
The result of executing this code is shown below:
The result is a comma-separated list of country names.
Each column name needs to be enclosed in a set of square brackets. We can achieve this by using the QUOTENAME function:
--A variable to hold the complete string
--Concatenate each country with a comma
--The QUOTENAME function adds square brackets around each value
SELECT @Columns += (QUOTENAME(CountryName) + ',')
FROM tblCountry
--Check the result
PRINT @Columns
The new result of executing the code looks like this:
Each country name is enclosed in square brackets.
At this point our list of column names contains an extra comma at the end of the string. One way to remove this is shown below:
--A variable to hold the complete string
--Concatenate each country with a comma
--The QUOTENAME function adds square brackets around each value
SELECT @Columns += (QUOTENAME(CountryName) + ',')
FROM tblCountry
--Remove the trailing comma
SET @Columns = LEFT(@Columns, LEN(@Columns) - 1)
--Check the result
PRINT @Columns
The LEN function calculates the number of characters in the string. We subtract 1 from the result and use the LEFT function to return that number of characters from the left of the string.
The next step is to generate the complete SQL statement that will create the pivot table and store the result in a string variable.
--A variable to hold the SQL string
--Store the complete string in the variable
--Concatenate the list of column names
'WITH BaseData AS
tblCountry AS c
ON c.CountryID=f.FilmCountryID
FOR CountryName IN (' + @Columns + ')
) AS PivotTable'
--Check the result
Printing the result is a good way to check that you've generated a valid SQL statement:
The complete SQL statement.
The final step is to execute the dynamic SQL statement using either of the two techniques shown below:
--Execute the statement directly
--Use a system stored procedure
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL
The final result should look like this:
A simple, dynamic pivot table.
From this point you can easily create more complex pivot tables by adding code to the dynamic SQL statement.
If you've enjoyed reading this blog, have a look at our SQL training page for much more information on how you can learn to write better SQL.
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