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Written by Andy Brown
In this tutorial
A variable is a space in memory in which you can store a single piece of information (note that I've covered SQL global variables in a separate part of this tutorial).
You can use the word DECLARE to create a variable for you to use. The syntax is:
DECLARE @VariableName AS datatype
The keyword AS is optional; I miss it out for variable declarations (which makes me Mr. Inconsistent, as readers of other parts of this SQL training series will realise).
Variable names can not contain spaces, and must start with @. You can see the full list of data types that you can use in SQL in this separate blog. Here are some examples of variables:
-- declare some variables
-- the name of a company
DECLARE @CompanyName varchar(50)
-- when a course starts
DECLARE @StartDate datetime
-- someone's age in years
DECLARE @Age int
-- the cost of something in pounds/pence
DECLARE @Cost decimal(5,2)
You can declare several variables on the same line (although I personally don't like the idea):
-- declare 4 variables
DECLARE @CompanyName varchar(50), @StartDate datetime,
@Age int, @Cost decimal(5,2)
Once you've created some variables, you can assign values to them in one of three main ways. The easiest one is to use SET:
-- create a variable and assign a value to it
DECLARE @CompanyName varchar(50)
SET @CompanyName = 'Wise Owl'
This will store the text string Wise Owl in the string variable called @CompanyName.
Note for VBA programmers - the word SET has nothing to do with object variables, and is compulsory!
Alternatively, you can use the SELECT keyword:
-- create a variable and assign a value to it
DECLARE @CompanyName varchar(50)
SELECT @CompanyName = 'Wise Owl'
So what's the difference? Practically none is the answer. If you're interested, Google SQL variables SET versus SELECT. I always use SET, because:
It's the ANSI standard for SQL; and
It seems to me to fit in better with what is essentially a programming command.
Finally, you can declare a variable and assign a value to it in the same line of code:
-- create a variable and assign a value to it
DECLARE @CompanyName varchar(50)= 'Wise Owl'
A common requirement in programming is to add or subtract one to/from a variable. There's a short-hand way to do this in SQL:
-- set counter
DECLARE @counter int = 0
-- subtract 1 then add 3
SET @counter -= 1
SET @counter += 3
-- print result
PRINT 'Counter = ' + CAST(@counter AS varchar(10))
This would give the following output:
The final value for the counter is 2.
Variables have a very short life! In fact, the life of a variable is restricted to a single batch of SQL statements. This SQL would give an error:
-- create and set a variable
DECLARE @Answer int = 42
-- start new batch
-- show value of variable
SELECT @Answer
Here's the error you'd get if you ran the SQL above:
SQL can't find the variable you've declared two lines earlier!
If you remove the GO statement, the above SQL would run and display the number 42.
So now that we've seen how to create variables, why might you use them? My usual reason is to hold the number of rows returned from a SQL statement, but I've given a few examples and case studies in the next part of this blog.
This blog page gives a couple of examples of when you might use variables in SQL. They are rarely necessary, but make your SQL much easier to write and read.
Suppose that you want to write a function to give actors' first names:
dbo.fnFirstName(ActorName) AS 'First Name',
dbo.fnLastName(ActorName) AS 'Last Name'
This should give something like this:
The results from the above query, once we've written the two functions!
This query makes use of two functions, to extract the first and last names from a full name. Here is the one to get the first name:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnFirstName](
@PersonName varchar(100)
RETURNS varchar(100)
-- function returns someone's first name
-- find the position of the first space
DECLARE @FirstSpace int = charindex(' ',@PersonName)
DECLARE @FirstName varchar(100)
IF @FirstSpace = 0
-- no space found, so return entire name
SET @FirstName = @PersonName
-- if a space found, pick out characters before it
SET @FirstName = substring(@PersonName,1,@FirstSpace-1)
-- return the first name
RETURN @FirstName
This makes use of two variables as follows:
Variable | Type | Notes |
@FirstSpace | int | Holds the position of the first space within the actor's name. |
@FirstName | varchar(100) | Holds the accumulated first name, to be returned from the function. |
Note that it would be possible to write this function without using variables, but the result would be much harder to read.
For the sake of completenes, here's a version of the fnLastName function (I'm sure it could be written more elegantly), which will work even for troublesome actors like Samuel L. Jackson and Jamie Lee Curtis:
@PersonName varchar(100)
RETURNS varchar(100)
-- function returns someone's last name
-- find the position of the last space
DECLARE @LastSpace int = charindex(' ',reverse(@PersonName))
DECLARE @LastName varchar(100)
IF @LastSpace = 0
-- no space found, so return entire name
SET @LastName = @PersonName
-- if a space found, pick out characters after it
SET @LastName = substring(@PersonName,len(@PersonName)-@LastSpace+2,@LastSpace-1)
-- return the last name
RETURN @LastName
If a SQL SELECT statement returns a single value, you can hold this in a variable. Suppose you want to create a stored procedure to show the number of films, actors and directors containing a given string of text:
-- show number of things containing X
spFindText 'X'
This would return (for the Wise Owl movies database) the following:
Out of interest, the director is Alex Proyas.
Here is a stored procedure which would solve this:
@what varchar(100)
-- finds how many actors, films and directors contain this text
DECLARE @numActors int
DECLARE @numDirectors int
DECLARE @numFilms int
-- find number of actors
SET @numActors = (
WHERE ActorName like '%' + @what + '%'
-- find number of directors
SET @numDirectors = (
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblDirector
WHERE DirectorName like '%' + @what + '%'
-- find number of films
SET @numFilms = (
WHERE FilmName like '%' + @what + '%'
-- show results
@numActors AS 'Actors found',
@numDirectors AS 'Directors found',
@numFilms AS 'Films found'
As always, I'm sure there are shorter ways to write this, but would they be as clear to read as the above?
Having looked at a couple of examples of how you might use variables, it's time now to look at some less obvious tricks you can use.
This pages lists some non-intuitive tricks which work when using variables in SQL.
Provided that a SELECT statement returns a single row of data, you can read the values into variables:
Our SQL will show the name, Oscars and length for the most expensive film in the database.
Here is a query which would accomplish this:
-- create variables to hold column values
DECLARE @FilmName varchar(100)
DECLARE @Oscars int
DECLARE @RunTime int
-- read the most expensive film into these variables
@FilmName = FilmName,
@Oscars = FilmOscarWins,
@RunTime = FilmRunTimeMinutes
FilmBudgetDollars DESC
-- show results
@FilmName AS 'Most expensive film',
@Oscars AS 'Oscars won',
@RunTime AS 'Length in minutes'
I admit I've rarely - if ever - used this technique!
Of rather more use, perhaps, you can accumulate values (whether text or numbers) in variables within a SELECT statement:
-- variables to hold info
DECLARE @TotalOscars int = 0
DECLARE @FilmIds varchar(MAX) = ''
-- loop through films winning lots of Oscars
@TotalOscars = @TotalOscars + FilmOscarWins,
-- add on a comma for all but first film
@FilmIds = @FilmIds +
WHEN len(@FilmIds) = 0 THEN ''
ELSE ','
END + CAST(FilmId AS varchar(10))
FilmOscarWins > 7
-- show results accumulated
@TotalOscars AS 'Total Oscars',
@FilmIds AS 'Film ids'
This query would return the following for the Wise Owl movies database:
The query has accumlated the total number of films, and created a comma-separated list of their ids.
The above technique can be used to avoid using cursors to loop over the rows in a table.
Many of the other parts of this SQL tutorial use variables, but that's the end of the theory about them!
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