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Written by Andy Brown
In this tutorial
Parameters are the raison d'etre of stored procedures (if you can't be pretentious in your own tutorial, where can you be?). Let's look first at why you might need them.
Consider the following SQL stored procedure::
CREATE PROC spFilmsByMinLength
-- show all films lasting more than a
-- given number of minutes
This lists out all of the films (or movies) in a given table which last more than 120 minutes, or 2 hours. If you want to change the minimum duration, you'll need to change the procedure.
What parameters allow you to do is to make a procedure flexible, so that you can run it to show (for our example) films lasting more than any given duration, like so:
-- show films lasting more than 3 hours
EXEC spFilmsByMinLength 180
-- show films lasting more than 3.5 hours
EXEC spFilmsByMinLength 210
It's easy to imagine extending this to make a truly flexible stored procedure:
-- show films lasting more than 3 hours,
-- made in 2002 which won no Oscars
EXEC spListFilmsWithParameters 180, 2002, 0
Parameters have one more vital use: they reduce the risk of SQL injection attacks in your system.
To create parameters, just list them out in parentheses after the stored procedure name, separated by commas. For our example:
CREATE PROC spFilmsByMinLength(
@MinLength int
-- show all films lasting more than a
-- given number of minutes
This creates a procedure called spFilmsByMinLength which expects to be passed a single value of type int (ie an integer). The procedure then shows all films which lasted more than this number of minutes.
I've blogged separately on the possible data types that you can use in SQL.
Here's another example: the following procedure lists out all films released between two given dates, and whose name contains a given string of text:
CREATE PROC spListFilmsWithParameters (
@MinDate date,
@MaxDate date,
@ContainsText varchar(MAX)
-- show films made between given dates, and whose
-- titles contain given text
FilmReleaseDate between @MinDate and @MaxDate and
FilmName like '%' + @ContainsText + '%'
Here's how you could try running this stored procedure:
-- try out this stored procedure
EXEC spListFilmsWithParameters
'01/01/2001', '12/31/2010', 'Shrek'
Another way to run the stored procedure listed above would be to pass the parameters by name:
-- pass parameters by name
EXEC spListFilmsWithParameters
The obvious advantage of this approach is that you can put the parameters in any order (as I've done here).
The spListFilmsWithParameters procedure listed above has one flaw: you have to specify a value for every single parameter. It would be good to be able to miss out a parameter and have it take a sensible value. For example, it would be nice to run:
-- pass parameters by name
EXEC spListFilmsWithParameters
and have this return all Shrek films made since the start of the millennium, with no maximum date. To do this, you need to give one or more parameters default values:
CREATE PROC spListFilmsWithParameters (
@MinDate date=null,
@MaxDate date=null,
@ContainsText varchar(MAX)=''
-- show films made between given dates, and whose
-- titles contain given text (but let user omit parameters)
(FilmReleaseDate >= @MinDate or @MinDate is null) and
(FilmReleaseDate <= @MaxDate or @MaxDate is null) and
(FilmName like '%' + @ContainsText + '%')
Here's how this works. Suppose you call the procedure, but don't specify the maximum date:
-- omit the MaxDate parameter
EXEC spListFilmsWithParameters
Then the conditon:
-- second of three conditions
@MaxDate is null
is always true (the parameter always equals null), so the second condition above will effectively be ignored.
Likewise, if you omit the @ContainsText parameter the like condition will evaluate to '%%', which will show everything.
Many newcomers to SQL (myself included) learn about parameters, and then excitedly try out the following procedure:
@TableName varchar(MAX)
-- list out rows from any table? I think not
This won't work! You can't use parameter values as table names, column names or in ORDER BY clauses. Sorry!
There is an exception to this using something called dynamic SQL. In dynamic SQL you build up a statement to be executed and then run it. It does, however, have a number of disadvantages: it's hard to test, runs slowly and makes you liable to SQL injection attacks.
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