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What date format would you use in a WHERE clause in SQL?
SQL Server is very good at interpreting a string as a date.
I have commented out the WHERE clauses in the code below, but if you commented any one of them back in, you would get the same result.
From Film
--Where ReleaseDate = '4 Jul 1990'
--Where ReleaseDate = '4 July 1990'
--Where ReleaseDate = '1990-07-04'
--Where ReleaseDate = '7/4/1990'
For anyone who is interested the film is Die Hard 2 .
Results for a film released on 4th July 1990.
Of the four possible ways of typing a date I would say the first two are most obviously the 4th of July. I always use the 'dd MMM yyyy' format it is clear and not ambiguous. Hopefully this tip will avoid anyone accidentally celebrating American Independence Day on the 7th April.
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