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You can see our Excel courseware, exercises, venues and blogs at our main Excel training courses page. This page shows you what our different Excel courses cover.
Our one-day introduction to Excel course will show beginners in Excel how to create basic spreadsheets like this:
Learn how to create formulae in spreadsheets, and format them to look nifty! This course covers creating formulae, formatting spreadsheets, printing and creating basic charts.
This one-day Intermediate Excel course picks up from where the introductory course finishes. For example, you'll learn how to create, sort and filter tables:
This table is only showing certain dinosaurs, for example.
You'll also learn how to format and work with dates and numbers:
The course unravels the mystery behind Excel dates. All this, and much more besides!
Our two-day Advanced Excel course aims to covers all of the useful features in Excel which a basic user could not be expected to stumble across.
One of the functions covered on our advanced two-day course: VLOOKUP.
The easiest way to get an idea of what's covered on this advanced Excel course is to have a look at some of the exercises.
As an alternative to our two-day advanced Excel course, we offer a two-day training course in creating robust financial models in Excel.
Although much of the content on this course is the same as for our advanced course, the modelling course is aimed at more proficient users of Excel.
The modelling course covers, among other things:
Topic | Contents |
Range names | Everything there is to know about range names - the raison d'etre of the course! |
Styles | How to apply consistent formatting easily to different parts of a model. |
Functions | Not just the "easy" functions like IF and VLOOKUP, but also MATCH, INDEX, INDIRECT, SUMPRODUCT ... in fact, an example of every useful Excel function. |
Short-cut keys | If you like short-cut keys in Excel, this is the course for you. |
Finally, we offer two courses in Excel VBA: a two-day introductory course for most people, and an advanced course for experienced VBA programmers. The enjoyable but challenging starter VBA course will teach you how to write (and understand) code like this:
Sub ScatterWombles()
'random coordinates to put Womble at
Dim RandomRow As Long
Dim RandomCol As Long
'dimensions of Wimbledon Common
Const MaxRows As Long = 100
Const MaxCols As Long = 100
'name of womble being blown about
Dim WombleName As String
'check macro not already run
If Range("A1").Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Already scattered!"
Exit Sub
End If
'refer to each of the cells in the range of Wombles
Dim WombleCell As Range
'set up reference to range of Wombles
Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select
'loop over each of these cells
For Each WombleCell In Selection
RandomRow = Int(Rnd() * MaxRows)
RandomCol = Int(Rnd() * MaxCols)
'cut the contents of this cell
WombleName = WombleCell.Value
'paste them into random cell
Cells(RandomRow, RandomCol).Value = WombleName
Next WombleCell
'say we've finished!
MsgBox "Oh dear! A strong gust of wind has scattered the Wombles all over Wimbledon common (otherwise known as your spreadsheet). See if you can find them all and tell Uncle Bulgaria where they are (using the immediate window, perhaps)."
End Sub
The advanced course will let you talk to other applications, work with tables of data in Access and SQL Server and create your own classes, among other things:
A new WiseOwl class, with its own properties and methods.
You can see more about our VBA courses here.
We also offer a fast-track VBA course which combines the introductory course and most of the advanced one into a single three-day course.
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