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Flappy Bird in Excel VBA - Tutorial Index |
This is the main index page for the Flappy Bird in Excel VBA tutorial. Here you can find links to all of the articles which comprise the tutorial. |
In this blog
This page contains links to the individual articles which comprise the Flappy Bird in Excel VBA Tutorial. If you just want to download the game, head straight to part 1 where you'll find links and instructions.
Click the headings to navigate to the relevant part of the tutorial. Articles marked as TBD have not yet been written but should appear soon!
Introduces you to Flappy Owl and provides links to download the various versions of the game.
Shows you how to setup a basic workbook ready to begin coding the Flappy Owl game. Uses a small amount of VBA code to generate a test worksheet.
Describes the limitations of timing in Excel VBA and introduces you to the Windows API. Demonstrates how to declare and use Windows API functions in your VBA project and how to ensure they'll work in both 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Microsoft Office.
Uses Windows API timer functions to create a game timing loop. Adds basic code to make the "bird" fall and stop when it hits the floor.
Shows how to use ActiveX command buttons to start and stop the game loop enabling you to watch the bird fall to the floor and bounce back up.
Discusses several methods for detecting when the player presses keys on the keyboard and taking the appropriate action depending on which key was pressed.
Upgrades the art of the game to use multi-cell pictures rather than a single, coloured cell.
Replaces several of the normal modules in the project with class modules. This provides clearer definitions of the different objects in the game and allows for better organisation of the code.
Upgrades the Test worksheet into a full Game sheet using VBA to define different regions on the sheet.
Combines several techniques used in previous articles to create the image and class module which define the obstacles in the game.
Shows you how to determine when the bird has collided with an obstacle and how to decide what to do next.
Introduces the idea of game states to control what happens each time the game is updated. Shows how to use enumerations to create a conveniently grouped set of constants.
Shows how to use Windows API functions to play sounds within the game.
Shows how to create a class module used to write text to our game window in a custom font.
Upgrades our single "Start Game" button to a full game menu. Uses worksheet events to run code automatically when things happen.
If you want to brush up on your background knowledge of Excel or VBA, have a look first at our pages giving information on training courses in Excel and training courses in VBA.
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