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Talking to Excel to fill in your input forms, using speech recognition and VBA Part one of a three-part series of blogs |
What happens when you combine the magic of speech recognition with the power of VBA? A user form which you can fill in without a keyboard!
Wouldn't you like to be able to speak your commands to VBA?
Want to list out film details? Just tell Excel which title you want (you can download this workbook here, although it won't work until you set up speech recognition on your computer, and you're probably best reading the rest of this blog and setting up your own simple example).
The rest of this blog explains how to set up speech recognition, then how to access the underlying speech recognition object library in VBA.
Thanks to Marshall Vance for prompting this blog with an emailed question!
Should you want to explore this topic further, here are some deep dive links after the shallow dive presented in this blog:
Link | Notes |
Mike Forde | The ultimate guide to using speech recognition within VBA. |
Microsoft documentation | Light reading (not!) on the speech recognition library. |
.NET documentation | Documentation on the Speech.Recognition .NET namespace. |
A C# example | An example of speech recognition using C#. |
Parts of this blog |
Some other pages relevant to the above blogs include:
From: | Stockbroker |
When: | 14 Mar 20 at 22:22 |
This is a great step forward, it helps staff with some disabilities to fill in invoice forms.
Still need to develop the VBA a bit further, but well done Wise Owl and Andy in particular.
From: | Andy B |
When: | 16 Mar 20 at 15:20 |
Thank you! Although Andy Brown (ie me) wrote the blog, Andy Gould did all of the underlying work.
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