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We've published 45 guides on how to use VBA, divided into the following categories:
A good place to start when learning VBA for Excel is to learn how to record macros, and then have a look at the code created for you.
Creating basic modules and procedures in VBA, including commenting code
You can't do much in Excel VBA without knowing how to move around a worksheet!
How to display input and message boxes, as well as how to create and use variables.
Understand how VBA is written, using objects, collections, properties and methods:.
How to use IF / ELSE / END IF within VBA, and also how to use the alternative SELECT / CASE syntax within macros.
Learn the four main types of loop built into VBA.
In Excel VBA you can attach code to events which happen for a workbook or worksheet (such as running code whenever you open a particular file).
Stepping through code, setting breakpoints, using the call stack and other options for debugging macros.
Using the Err object to display errors, and trapping for errors using ON ERROR and RESUME.
Linking to other applications such as Word or PowerPoint from within Excel,.
You can use FileDialogs to choose files to open or save, TextStream objects to read and write files and create a FileSystemObject to copy, move or delete files:.
How to use ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) to link to SQL Server or Access databases from within Excel (or do it the other way round, and link from Access to Excel, say).
Passing arguments to procedures, and creating and sharing your own VBA functions.
Variables aren't the only way to hold data in VBA programs!
Create your own dialog boxes, by drawing user forms on screen and integrating them with your macros:.
Classes within Excel VBA are your own customised objects, to which you breathe life by writing methods and properties:.
You can have great fun drawing shapes on worksheets in VBA, or annotating charts using symbols:.
What recursive programming is, and how to use it to list files or to list out hierarchical data structures.
If you want to learn any of the above in more detail, have a look at booking one of our classrooom and online VBA courses.
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