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Written by Andy Brown
In this tutorial
One surprising aspect of writing Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel - or any other Microsoft applicaiton for that matter - is that you can also rename, delete, copy and move files and folders on your hard disk. This tutorial shows you how!
Remember that in Excel the only built-in file-related collection that you can work with is Workbooks, which are the Excel workbooks already open in memory. You have no default way of working with files stored on your hard disk.
To play about with files and folders on your hard disk, you'll need to create a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime object library, and then create a FileSystemObject. Because this is quite a common requirement, I've put it in a separate tutorial.
Once you've got a variable referencing this weird thing called a FileSystemObject, you can use it as a prefix to do almost anything with the files and folders on your hard disk. One example is getting a folder and listing its contents.
For the example code below, imagine that we have a folder set up as follows:
The Wise Owl folder contains 3 files.
We want to list out in the Immediate window all of the files in this folder (perhaps because we then want to do something else with them):
We want to list out the name of the folder, and then the names of all of the files in it.
Code to get the above to work could look like this:
Sub ListFiles()
'create a new file system object (must first
'have referenced the Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'library, as described in separate tutorial)
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
'now get a pointer to a particular folder
Dim fol As Folder
Set fol = fso.GetFolder("C:\wise owl\")
'print out the name of this folder
Debug.Print "Folder name:", fol.Path
Debug.Print "============="
Debug.Print " "
'now loop over all of the files in the folder
Dim fil As File
For Each fil In fol.Files
Debug.Print fil.Path
Next fil
End Sub
Out of all the Microsoft applications which support VBA, the Microsoft Scripting Runtime object library is one of the most intuitive to use - as the above example shows.
The table below shows some of the standard things you'll want to do to a file:
What you want to do | How to do it |
Copy a file | Apply the Copy method, giving the destination as an argument |
Move a file | Apply the Move method, again giving the destination as an argument |
Delete a file | Apply the Delete method |
Rename a file | Change the file's Name property |
The rest of this tutorial gives a examples to give you the idea of what's possible!
Suppose that you know one of your workbooks in a folder contains the name of your dog (let's say he's called Fu-Fu), but you can't remember which. Here's an algorithm to find him:
Loop over alll of the files in the folder.
For each file, check if it's an Excel workbook (see if the file extension is .XLSX or .XLSM).
If it is, open the file and try to find the hidden word using the Find method.
As soon as you succeed, close the workbook down and abort the process, reporting what you've found.
Now that we've written our algorithm, it's time to code it!
The first thing we'll do is to create a function which will take any Excel file on the hard disk, open it, look for the hidden text in all of its worksheets and return True or False depending on whether it finds it or not:
Function IfSearchStringFound(ThisFile As File) As Boolean
'open this workbook (using full file path so can find it)
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim FoundCell As Range
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(ThisFile.Path)
'look for the hidden text in each worksheet
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
'(this command obtained by recording)
Set FoundCell = Cells.Find(What:="Fu-fu", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If FoundCell Is Nothing Then
'if no cell pointed to, text not found
IfSearchStringFound = False
'if we've found a cell, display it
MsgBox "Found text at cell " & FoundCell.Address & _
" in worksheet " & UCase(ws.Name) & _
" in workbook " & UCase(ThisFile.Path)
IfSearchStringFound = True
Exit Function
End If
Next ws
'whether we found the text or not, close the file
wb.Close savechanges:=False
End Function
Note that the function tidies up after itself (it closes down the workbook that it's opened).
Our main routine includes error-checking to see if the workbook referenced actually exists:
Sub ListFiles()
'the standard reference - see rest of tutorial
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
'a reference to the folder containing the files
Dim WiseOwlFolder As Folder
'a reference to each file in the folder
Dim PossibleWorkbook As File
'the name of each file in the folder
Dim FileName As String
'we're looking in one particular folder,
'so try to refer to it
On Error GoTo NoSuchFolder
Set WiseOwlFolder = fso.GetFolder("C:\wise owl\")
'reset default error trapping
On Error GoTo 0
'if we get here, we've got a folder - loop over
'all of its files
For Each PossibleWorkbook In WiseOwlFolder.Files
'for this file, see if it's a workbook
FileName = PossibleWorkbook.Path
Select Case UCase(Right(FileName, 5))
Case ".XLSX", ".XLSM"
'it's a workbook, so open it
If IfSearchStringFound(PossibleWorkbook) Then
'if we've found what we were looking for,
'we can stop
Exit Sub
End If
Case Else
'for all other possible files, just ignore them
End Select
Next PossibleWorkbook
'no errors - can finish!
MsgBox "No text found in any of the files!"
Exit Sub
'report error and stop
MsgBox "Can not find a folder with this name!"
End Sub
This routine will loop over all of the files in the specified folder, but only try to open the Excel ones:
For this example, the macro will open the files shown selected only, since they are the only ones whose file names end in .XLSX or .XLSM.
If Fu-fu is indeed hidden somewhere in a cell in one of the workbooks in the folder given, the macro will display this:
An example message displayed by our macro - here Fu-fu was well hidden!
If, on the other hand, there is no Fu-fu, you will see this:
The message yoi'll see if none of the workbooks contains the hidden text.
That's the end of this worked example - the next one shows how to find all of the files on your hard disk whose names contain a certain string of text.
Just occasionally when programming it is almost impossible to continue without writing a subroutine which calls itself. This deeply disturbing concept works perfectly, but can be hard to understand.
Suppose that you want to list out all of the files on your computer which contain a given string of text (we'll use the word Owl). To do this, you need to:
Get a reference to the root folder of your hard disk.
Look at all of the files in this folder.
Look at all of the subfolders in this folder, and loop over each.
For each subfolder, repeat steps 2 and 3 above!
The code to do this is actually fairly simple, provided you can get over the mental block of a subroutine calling itself. Here is one possible answer to the above problem - the code we're looking for is stored in a constant in this case:
Option Explicit
'the string we're looking for in file names
Const SearchString As String = "owl"
'make the inevitable (and necessary) file system
'object public, so all routines can refer to it
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
'count of number of files processed
Dim NumFiles As Integer
Sub StartSearch()
Dim RootFolder As Folder
Set RootFolder = fso.GetFolder("C:\")
'start the ball rolling at top level folder
NumFiles = 0
SearchFiles RootFolder
End Sub
Sub SearchFiles(fol As Folder)
'refernces to each file and subfolder respectively
Dim fil As File, subfol As Folder
'first look in all of the files in the folder
For Each fil In fol.Files
NumFiles = NumFiles + 1
If InStr(1, LCase(fil.Name), LCase(SearchString)) > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Found in " & UCase(fil.Name)
End If
'for every N files, ask user if want to continue (otherwise
'can go on for ever and be hard to interrupt)
If NumFiles >= 10000 Then
If MsgBox("Do you want to continue?", _
vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1 + vbQuestion) = vbNo Then
MsgBox "Program aborted"
End If
End If
Next fil
'now loop over all of subfolders in folder ...
For Each subfol In fol.SubFolders
'and process these too (some folders will be system ones
'which we won't have a right to open, so miss these out)
On Error Resume Next
SearchFiles subfol
On Error GoTo 0
Next subfol
End Sub
On my machine, I ran the program above and aborted it at the first attempt to get:
Most people will have fewer files containing the search string OWL!
Debugging recursive macros can be very confusing. If you were to step through your code above, it would be hard to work out which instance of the SearchFiles procedure you were currently in at any moment! The call stack can be very useful in this case.
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