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Posted by Andrew Gould on 24 June 2019
This video shows you how to extract data from a SQL Server database using the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) library for VBA and the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server. You'll learn how to write a connection string to connect to a SQL Server databse and how to use a recordset to retrieve data. You'll learn how to populate the recordset using SQL Server tables, views, stored procedures and select statements and how to write the data you've retrieved into an Excel Worksheet.
See our full range of VBA training resources, or test your knowledge of VBA with one of our VBA skills assessment tests.
This video has the following accompanying files:
File name | Type | Description |
01 Create Movies Database 2016.sql | SQL query | |
02 Create Oscar Winners View.sql | SQL query | |
03 Create Oscar Winners Procedure.sql | SQL query | |
Get Data from SQL Server with ADO Recordsets.xlsm | Excel workbook with macros |
Click to download a zipped copy of the above files.
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From: | Me&MyVBA |
When: | 10 Oct 20 at 16:18 |
Hi Andrew,
Awesome video and thank you.
I think there are some bugs with the CopyFromRecordset property when using MySQL drivers.
To be more specific, when I use this property then some of the fetched data come in a truncated version, say instead of Consumer Staples it is fetched as Consumer.
Having searched the web I found a property of the Recordset object as per below:
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Indeed this addition provides me with a solution, but I quite do not get the reason why even when I read info in the link below. May I kindly ask you to elaborate on what this property does and its current value "adUseClient"?
Thank you
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 12 Oct 20 at 07:26 |
Hi! There's a pretty good description of some of the implications of using server-side or client-side cursors here
I don't know MySQL well enough to explain why you see the results you do but I hope the link above gives you a little more information.
From: | albertan |
When: | 01 Nov 19 at 22:40 |
Hello Andrew, for some reason my code didn't work so I had to record it step by step. Here how it looks
Sub CostDataSQL()
Dim i As Long
Application.CutCopyMode = False
With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("DATABASE").OLEDBConnection
.BackgroundQuery = False
.CommandType = xlCmdSql
.connection = _
"OLEDB;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=XXX;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=XXX;Data Source=MYSERVER;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;Initial Catalog=DATABASE"
.CommandText = Array( _
"SELECT * FROM REPORT.dbo.PROJECTS as w WHERE w.""Project Number"" " & _
"like '" & Lists.Range("C4").Value & "%' or w.""Project Number"" like '" & Lists.Range("C3").Value & "%' or w.""Project Number"" not like '" & Lists.Range("C9").Value & "%'" _
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.SavePassword = True
.SourceConnectionFile = ""
.SourceDataFile = ""
.ServerCredentialsMethod = xlCredentialsMethodIntegrated
.AlwaysUseConnectionFile = False
End With
With ActiveWorkbook.Connections("DATABASE")
.Name = "DATABASE"
.Description = ""
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
With Test.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=4, Source:=ActiveWorkbook. _
Connections("DATABASE"), Destination:=Test.Range("$C$1")).TableObject
.RowNumbers = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshStyle = 1
.AdjustColumnWidth = True
.ListObject.DisplayName = "Table_DATABASE_Query"
End With
End Sub
My questions would be:
1. Not sure what the difference is between OLEDB and ADODB, does it matter?
2. I have a VERY long SQL statement, so I tried to break it in lines and it didn't work (I have more than 25 lines). Is there a way for me to break it by variables? I tried it by looking at these websites, but it doesn't work for me
Thank you so much.
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 05 Nov 19 at 07:11 |
Hi Albert,
In VBA, ADODB is an object library which allows you to write code to connect to a database using several types of connection, of which OLEDB is one. The code shown in the video uses the ADODB library to create a Connection object which establishes an OLEDB connection to a SQL Server database. The technique you've used along with the macro recorder is quite different (I'm guessing you used Data > Get Data > From SQL Server Database from the Excel ribbon) and doesn't use the ADODB library at all. It's up to you which technique you prefer!
The solutions shown in the links you provided are good so I'm not sure why your code still isn't working. If your query is still too long you could try the technique shown in this video which stores the query in a separate text file and has VBA read it.
I hope that helps!
From: | albertan |
When: | 30 Oct 19 at 22:02 |
Hello Andrew, I have an issue with my code, I'm trying to follow your code suggestion I appreciate if you can please help me. I'm getting Run-Time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)'
[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server] An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected near "number".
Ideally, my SQL contains SELECT within SELECT statement, i.e. several databases joined with "LEFT Outer join" with input parameters "WHERE project number is like 'P-10500%' or 'P-10600%'
But I tried to construct a code so that at least it can read the database. In Connection string should I put Schema name or I need to list database names if it is more than one database? How can I construct a VBA code for it?
Here's my start code:
Sub GetDataFromSQLServer()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim f As ADODB.Field
Dim i As Integer
Dim myservername As String
Dim mydatabase As String
Dim myuserid As String
Dim mypasswd As String
Dim cn As ADODB.connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = New ADODB.connection
cn.ConnectionString = " Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=True;DRIVER=SQL Server; DATABASE: REPORT;SERVER=MYSERVER;UID=ALBERTAN;PWD=PW;APP=Microsoft Office 2016;WSID=XXX"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = cn
rs.Source = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM REPORT 2 as a Left Outer Join Report 3 as b on a.costcode = b.costcode w WHERE w.Job Number like 'p-10500%' OR ‘P-10600%’”
rs.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
rs.LockType = adLockReadOnly
Set ws = Worksheets.Add
For Each f In ResultSet.Fields
i = i + 1
ws.Cells(1, i).Value = f.Name
Next f
Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset ResultSet
Range("A1").CurrentRegion.WrapText = False
End Sub
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 01 Nov 19 at 13:58 |
Hi Albert, I believe the problem is in the WHERE clause. Yours looks like this:
WHERE project number is like 'P-10500%' or 'P-10600%'
But it should look like this
WHERE [project number] like 'P-10500%' or [project number] like 'P-10600%'
When a column name contains a space it needs to be enclosed in square brackets.
When using a logical operator like AND or OR, you need to include a full logical test on each side of the operator.
I hope that helps!
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