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Posted by Andrew Gould on 25 July 2021
This video shows you how to split a single Eacel table into multiple worksheets using the values in a column of the table. You'll learn how to create a recordset and populate it with unique values from a column and how to create a SELECT INTO command to create new worksheets. You'll see how to create new worksheets in the same workbook as the source data, in a single different workbook and how to create a separate workbook for each value in the column.
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This video has the following accompanying files:
File name | Type | Description |
Split Table into Separate Sheets.xlsm | Excel workbook with macros | The code |
Movies.xlsx | Excel workbook | The source data |
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From: | Chandra |
When: | 22 Oct 21 at 14:15 |
I am unable to create files in Path, I am getting runtime error, please see the below code
Sub SplitTable()
Dim MovieFilePath As String
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
MovieFilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Movies.xlsx"
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = _
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & MovieFilePath & ";" & _
"Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES';"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.ActiveConnection = cn
rs.Source = " Select DISTINCT [Country] From [Film$] "
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
cmd.ActiveConnection = cn
cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
Do Until rs.EOF
' Debug.Print rs.Fields("Country").Value
cmd.CommandText = _
" Select * " & _
" Into [" & rs.Fields("Country").Value & "]" & _
" In ' " & ThisWorkbook.Path & " \ Countries Data \ " & rs.Fields("Country").Value & " .xlsx' 'Excel 12.0 Xml; ' " & _
" From [Film$] " & _
" Where [Country]= ' " & rs.Fields("Country").Value & " ' "
' Debug.Print cmd.CommandText
End Sub
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 22 Oct 21 at 14:36 |
I would guess that you've included too many additional spaces in this part of your code
ThisWorkbook.Path & " \ Countries Data \ " & rs.Fields("Country").Value & " .xlsx' 'Excel 12.0 Xml; ' "
Unless your folder names and file names actually have those spaces I would remove them so that it looks more like this
ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Countries Data\" & rs.Fields("Country").Value & ".xlsx' 'Excel 12.0 Xml;'"
I hope it helps!
From: | Chandra |
When: | 26 Oct 21 at 12:12 |
I remove extra specs Inside the code, after that I am getting runtime error below :
RUN TIME Error -2147217900(80040e14)
invalid bracketing of name ' i;\fileneeded-31\All\Australia.xlsx'
i have mentioned code below:
cmd.CommandText = _
" Select * " & _
" Into [" & rs.Fields("Country").Value & "]" & _
" In ' " & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\All\" & rs.Fields("Country").Value & ".xlsx' 'Excel 12.0 Xml;'" & _
" From [Film$] " & _
" Where [Country]= ' " & rs.Fields("Country").Value & " ' "
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 29 Oct 21 at 07:40 |
Hi there! If you perform a Google search for "clear cached files google chrome" it will explain how to do this. You can then download the file containing the CompletedCode module from this page. I hope it helps!
From: | Chandra |
When: | 29 Oct 21 at 07:27 |
I am unable to Understand, please try to explain, I have two browsers one is Google Chrome and another one Microsoft Edge.
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 27 Oct 21 at 14:21 |
Try clearing your browser's cached files.
From: | Chandra |
When: | 27 Oct 21 at 11:30 |
Again I have downloaded the file , in that file there is no code,
in that file this code is there
Sub SplitTable()
Dim MovieFilePath As String
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
MovieFilePath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Movies.xlsx"
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = _
"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & MovieFilePath & ";" & _
"Extended Properties='Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES';"
End Sub
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 27 Oct 21 at 07:57 |
The example file now contains a module called "Completed code". I hope it helps.
From: | Chandra |
When: | 27 Oct 21 at 06:57 |
I downloaded the file, in that file there is no code, if You possible please share me the file
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 26 Oct 21 at 16:04 |
Hi, I would recommend downloading the example file from this page and comparing your code very carefully to the working example in that file.
From: | Pssaba |
When: | 20 Aug 21 at 16:26 |
Hello Andrew:
I was wondering if you will be posting more videos on SQL for Excel. The information has been very useful to me and has saved me a lot of programming that otherwise I would have to do with VBA. If not, do you have any links to websites that specifically deal with this version of SQL for Excel? I note that a lot of features of SQL are not applicable to that version (e.g. unable to do full joins).
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 22 Aug 21 at 07:45 |
Hi, I'm happy to hear that you've found the SQL for Excel series of videos useful!
There are a few extra topics on my list to cover, but these are things that are more to do with the ADO side of things than with SQL. I think that the existing 31 videos already cover the broad strokes of what this version of SQL is capable of but for further reading I'd recommend searching for "Access SQL".
I hope that helps and thanks for watching!
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