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Posted by Andrew Gould on 11 April 2014
Posted by Andrew Gould on 13 October 2014
Posted by Andrew Gould on 26 November 2015
Posted by Andrew Gould on 12 March 2014
Posted by Andrew Gould on 17 March 2014
Posted by Andrew Gould on 13 October 2014
Posted by Andrew Gould on 26 November 2015
Posted by Andrew Gould on 17 October 2016
Posted by Andrew Gould on 24 October 2016
Posted by Andrew Gould on 17 October 2016
Posted by Andrew Gould on 25 October 2016
Posted by Andrew Gould on 31 July 2024
Posted by Andrew Gould on 06 April 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 19 April 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 30 January 2022
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From: | warmday |
When: | 18 Oct 21 at 15:06 |
On the poiint regarding adding ByRef / ByVal when passing arguments, I have noticed the VB editor automatically adds ByVal when it is the default, eg when adding a Property Get / Let.
In the Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick event, the VB editor adds BaVal to Target but omits for Cancel, like so:
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Is Cancel ByVal or ByRef?
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 19 Oct 21 at 06:37 |
Normally when passing arguments in VBA the default is ByRef unless specified otherwise. However, see my replies to Duggie below for when this isn't always the case!
From: | warmday |
When: | 05 Nov 21 at 11:14 |
Thanks Andrew,
So If I understand you correctly, usually (ie when the VB editor omits it), it's ByRef.
In the case of Let and Set, they're ByVal (because the VB editor explicitly puts it).
Therefore in the case of Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean), Cancel must be ByRef.
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 08 Nov 21 at 07:13 |
That sounds right to me!
From: | duggie |
When: | 03 Jan 20 at 16:31 |
I came across this by accident and wondered if other readers have experienced it as well. I thought hovering the mouse over a variable only shows the value of the variable but not change it.
This is in a standard module:
Option Explicit
Sub Start()
Dim abc As Class1
Set abc = New Class1
Dim a As Long
a = 1
Debug.Print abc.MyProperty(a)
End Sub
This is Class1:
Option Explicit
Public Property Get MyProperty(ByRef b As Long) As Long
b = b + 1
MyProperty = b
End Property
If I run the code but put a break point here:
Debug.Print abc.MyProperty(a)
and hover the mouse over abc.MyProperty(a), I see:
abc.MyProperty(a) = 2
If I move my mouse away then back over abc.MyProperty(a), I see the value increment by 1 each time. Why is this? II thought hovering doesn't change anything.
From: | duggie |
When: | 11 Jun 18 at 17:37 |
We know "usually" the default for passing arguments is by reference, so if the keyword ByRef / ByVal is omitted, the argument will be passed by reference.
In a standard module, this can (and has been) easily proved.
However, I have yet to see an example to prove the case fro a Get / Let / Set Property.
Do these properties also behave in the same way, ie the default is by reference? The reason for my query is if you create a Let Property using Insert -> Procedure -> Property, the keyworb, ByVal, is automatically added.
Does that mean for a Let Property (and I assume also for a Set Property), the default, perhaps the ONLY way to pass arguments is by value?
Is it possible to prove this by way of an example?
Also what about Get Properties? Do they pass by reference by default or by value?
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 12 Jun 18 at 09:11 |
Good question! And yes, you're right: passing arguments to Property Let and Property Set procedures passes ByVal, even if you specify ByRef
You can test this using the VarPtr function
You can start with an example using simple subroutines in a regular module:
Sub AssignNumber()
Dim a As Long
a = 1
Debug.Print "a = ", a, VarPtr(a)
IncreaseNumber a
Debug.Print "a = ", a, VarPtr(a)
End Sub
Sub IncreaseNumber(ByVal b As Long)
b = b + 1
Debug.Print "b = ", b, VarPtr(b)
End Sub
When passing the argument ByVal, your output in the Immediate window will resemble this:
a = 1 11923696
b = 2 11923688
a = 1 11923696
The return value of the VarPtr function will be different for a and b.
If you change the signature of the IncreaseNumber procedure to pass ByRef:
Sub IncreaseNumber(ByRef b As Long)
The output will reseble this:
a = 1 11923696
b = 2 11923696
a = 2 11923696
The return value of the VarPtr function will be the same for a and b.
You can try the same test with a Property Let procedure (the example below uses a class module called MyClass although you can write the property in a normal module if you prefer):
Public Property Let MyProperty(ByVal d As Long)
d = d + 1
Debug.Print "d = ", d, VarPtr(d)
End Property
Add another procedure in a regular module which assigns a value to this property:
Sub TestMyClass()
Dim mc As New MyClass
Dim c As Long
c = 1
Debug.Print "c = ", c, VarPtr(c)
mc.MyProperty = c
Debug.Print "c = ", c, VarPtr(c)
End Sub
With ByVal or ByRef, the VarPtr function will always show a different result for c and d:
c = 1 11923692
d = 2 11923688
c = 1 11923692
Sorry for the long answer. Hope it helps!
From: | warmday |
When: | 07 Jul 18 at 08:47 |
Hi Andrew,
Further to your conclusion that Let and Set properties pass ByVal regardless, why does this article add ByRef?
Here's the code:
Option Explicit
Public Enum anlCellType
End Enum
Private muCellType As anlCellType
Private mrngCell As Excel.Range
Property Set Cell(ByRef rngCell As Excel.Range)
Set mrngCell = rngCell
End Property
Property Get Cell() As Excel.Range
Set Cell = mrngCell
End Property
Property Get CellType() As anlCellType
CellType = muCellType
End Property
Property Get DescriptiveCellType() As String
Select Case muCellType
Case anlCellTypeEmpty
DescriptiveCellType = "Empty"
Case anlCellTypeFormula
DescriptiveCellType = "Formula"
Case anlCellTypeConstant
DescriptiveCellType = "Constant"
Case anlCellTypeLabel
DescriptiveCellType = "Label"
End Select
End Property
Public Sub Analyze()
If IsEmpty(mrngCell) Then
muCellType = anlCellTypeEmpty
ElseIf mrngCell.HasFormula Then
muCellType = anlCellTypeFormula
ElseIf IsNumeric(mrngCell.Formula) Then
muCellType = anlCellTypeConstant
muCellType = anlCellTypeLabel
End If
End Sub
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 09 Jul 18 at 09:43 |
Who knows! Perhaps the authors weren't familiar with this behaviour in VBA, I'm not sure. If you're ever unsure with this sort of thing you can always add your own code to perform a test. For example, you could modify the Property Set Cell procedure to resemble this:
Property Set Cell(ByRef rngCell As Excel.Range)
'Add these two lines
Set rngCell = Range("B2")
Debug.Print "Within property " & rngCell.Address
Set mrngCell = rngCell
End Property
You can then add a test procedure in a normal module to check the behaviour:
Sub TestClassModule()
Dim c As Class1
Dim r As Range
Set c = New Class1
Set r = Range("A1")
Debug.Print "Before passing to property " & r.Address
Set c.Cell = r
Debug.Print "After passing to property " & r.Address
End Sub
After running the test procedure using ByRef, the output will resemble this:
Before passing to property $A$1
Within property $B$2
After passing to property $A$1
After changing the property to use ByVal the output is the same:
Before passing to property $A$1
Within property $B$2
After passing to property $A$1
Compare this to using a pair of basic subroutines instead of a Property Set procedure:
Sub TestSub()
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A1")
Debug.Print "Before passing to sub " & r.Address
MyCell r
Debug.Print "After passing to sub " & r.Address
End Sub
Sub MyCell(ByRef CellToUse As Range)
Set CellToUse = Range("B2")
Debug.Print "Within sub " & CellToUse.Address
End Sub
Using ByRef, the output resembles this:
Before passing to sub $A$1
Within sub $B$2
After passing to sub $B$2
And using ByVal produces a different result:
Before passing to sub $A$1
Within sub $B$2
After passing to sub $A$1
I'm not sure whether that makes things any clearer but it does demonstrate that values passed using ByRef behave differently in Property Set (and Let) procedures compared to other types of procedure.
I hope that helps!
From: | duggie |
When: | 12 Jun 18 at 10:50 |
Thanks for your detailed reply.
I can't say I am familiar with the VarPtr function but the values that the vaiables c and d returned (1, 2, 1) and (1, 2, 1), whether you pass ByVal or ByRef, was enough to convince me that no matter what you write, Let Properties always pass by value.
Can you confirm that for the Get Property too with an example?
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 13 Jun 18 at 06:58 |
Property Get procedures do actually honour your ByRef/ByVal setting. You can demonstrate this in a similar way. Here's a simple property in a class module called MyClass:
Public Property Get MyProperty(ByVal b As Long) As Long
b = b + 1
Debug.Print "b = ", b, VarPtr(b)
MyProperty = b
End Property
Here's a test procedure in a normal module:
Sub TestMyClass()
Dim mc As New MyClass
Dim a As Long
a = 1
Debug.Print "a = ", a, VarPtr(a)
Debug.Print "mc.MyProperty = ", mc.MyProperty(a)
Debug.Print "a = ", a, VarPtr(a)
End Sub
Running the test procedure using ByVal returns something resembling this:
a = 1 45478828
b = 2 45478816
mc.MyProperty = 2
a = 1 45478828
And with ByRef:
a = 1 45478828
b = 2 45478828
mc.MyProperty = 2
a = 2 45478828
I hope that helps!
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 13 Jun 18 at 11:34 |
No problem, happy that it helped!
From: | ryan051788 |
When: | 10 Jun 18 at 02:40 |
Hi there,
I tried to do the same as what you have here on your tutorial. I just cannot find out why on the calculation of time lengths for the movies, the last row of result is showing #N/A error for me.
The file is here:
Can you please check my code?
Option Explicit
Sub CalculateWithArray()
Dim FilmLengths() As Variant
Dim Answers() As Variant
Dim Dimension1 As Long, Counter As Long
Range("f3", Range("g3").End(xlDown)).ClearContents
' Assign values of range D to the array FilmLengths
FilmLengths = Range("d3", Range("d3").End(xlDown))
' Assign the number of values of array FilmLengths to the variable Dimension1
Dimension1 = UBound(FilmLengths, 1)
' Resize the dimensions of array Answers according to the number of values of Array FilmLenghts and add 2nd column or dimension
ReDim Answers(1 To Dimension1, 1 To 2)
' Loop over the FilmLengths and return Answers as number of hours and remainder in minutes
For Counter = 1 To Dimension1
Answers(Counter, 1) = Int(FilmLengths(Counter, 1) / 60)
Answers(Counter, 2) = FilmLengths(Counter, 1) Mod 60
Next Counter
' Populate columns F and G with the Answers
Range("f3", Range("f3").Offset(Counter - 1, 1)) = Answers
Erase FilmLengths
Erase Answers
End Sub
Thank you and regards,
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 11 Jun 18 at 08:19 |
Hi Ryan,
The problem is caused by this line near the end of your code:
Range("f3", Range("f3").Offset(Counter - 1, 1)) = Answers
Try changing it to this:
Range("f3", Range("f3").Offset(Dimension1 - 1, 1)) = Answers
The reason you're encountering the problem is because the variable you use to iterate through a For Next loop has a final value that is one greater than the To value you provide. So, if your loop looks like this:
For Counter = 1 To 3
'do something
Next Counter
Counter will have a value of 4 when the loop has finished.
I hope that helps!
From: | ryan051788 |
When: | 11 Jun 18 at 08:17 |
I have found the error. I was using the wrong variable.
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 11 Jun 18 at 08:21 |
Ahh you beat me to it as I was writing a reply! Oh well, it's always more satisfying when you solve a problem by yourself!
From: | ryan051788 |
When: | 04 Aug 18 at 13:29 |
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for the help. I was not very good at VBA yet, so I had to dig in more and more, and as I examine the codes 2 or 3 times then I found errors or sometimes a more efficient way.
Thanks again.
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