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Posted by Andrew Gould on 03 March 2014
The Scripting Runtime Object Library allows you to easily write code in an Excel VBA project which can manipulate the file and folder structure of your computer. It's and incredibly useful, although potentially quite dangerous thing to be able to do and this video will show you how. You'll learn how to reference the Scripting Runtime Library, what a FileSystemObject is and how to use it and how to perform various methods such as create folders, copy and move files and even how to delete them. Towards the end of the video you'll see how to loop over a collection of files in a single folder and then, as an encore, how you can loop through the complete set of folders and subfolders from a given starting point.
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From: | Phil K |
When: | 02 Aug 20 at 21:17 |
Thank you and to Wiseowl for these fantastic videos, they truly help with getting good quality instruction on how to write good, rounded routines. I highly recommend these. I have a question on the FSO. I've taken your tutorial and can get everything to work exactly as described. Brilliant!.
I would like to expand my knowledge about this topic but have hit a stumbling block. I've moved this on to start moving files with fso.filemove from one folder to another and while it is fine if I hard write the file name into the sub but if I use a variable to name the saved file I get an error.
My question is, can this be accomplished using a variable to name the new workbook?
From: | Andy B |
When: | 03 Aug 20 at 09:05 |
Hi Phil,
You certainly can use variables to rename the moved file, for example:
Sub MoveFileWithVariable()
Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim OldFileName As String
Dim NewFileName As String
OldFileName = "C:\Old folder\Original file name.xlsx"
NewFileName = "C:\New folder\New file name.xlsx"
Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
If fso.FileExists(OldFileName) Then
fso.MoveFile _
Source:=OldFileName, _
End If
End Sub
If you’re constructing the file name with some form of expression, make sure that you haven’t forgotten to include the full folder path and filename extension. I hope that helps!
From: | kishor0025 |
When: | 19 May 20 at 05:57 |
Dear Andrew,
I'm a music lover. I have more than 1750 songs in my computer. For taking my learning to next level, I want to have the Name, Author, Album and Title of each and every file of these files; that are kept in my my "D" Drive ("D:\Music\Files..."); through VBA. I wrote a code. But, it only gave me the File Name of these music files. But, I don't know, how will I get the other attributes of these files like their Authors, Albums and Titles. Can you please help me.... I'm attaching my written code in below..
Option Explicit
Sub ImportingFileDetails()
On Error Resume Next
Dim FDB As Office.FileDialog
Set FDB = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With FDB
.ButtonName = "Select Folder"
.InitialFileName = "Choose Desired Folder"
.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewPreview
.Title = "Get Files' Names"
End With
Dim SelectedFolder As String
SelectedFolder = FDB.SelectedItems(1)
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim ChoosenFolder As Scripting.Folder
Set ChoosenFolder = FSO.GetFolder(SelectedFolder)
If ChoosenFolder Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No Folder is selected"
Exit Sub
Dim FilesUnderChoosenFolder As Scripting.File
Dim SerialNumber As Integer
SerialNumber = 1
Dim i As Integer
i = 5
Dim FilesCountUnderChoosenFolder As Integer
FilesCountUnderChoosenFolder = 0
Range("B5", Range("B5").End(xlDown).Resize(1, 2)).ClearContents
For Each FilesUnderChoosenFolder In ChoosenFolder.Files
ImportFileDetails.Cells(i, 1).Value = SerialNumber
ImportFileDetails.Cells(i, 2).Value = FilesUnderChoosenFolder.Name
ImportFileDetails.Cells(i, 3).Value = FilesUnderChoosenFolder.Attributes("Author")
ImportFileDetails.Cells(i, 4).Value = FilesUnderChoosenFolder.Attributes("Album")
ImportFileDetails.Cells(i, 5).Value = FilesUnderChoosenFolder.Attributes("Title")
SerialNumber = SerialNumber + 1
i = i + 1
FilesCountUnderChoosenFolder = FilesCountUnderChoosenFolder + 1
Next FilesUnderChoosenFolder
End If
Dim FirstBlankRow As Integer
If FilesCountUnderChoosenFolder > 1 Then
FirstBlankRow = Range("A5").Offset(0, 1).End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Row
Range("A" & FirstBlankRow).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).EntireRow.Delete
ElseIf FilesCountUnderChoosenFolder = 1 Then
FirstBlankRow = Range("A5").Offset(1, 1).Row
Range("A" & FirstBlankRow).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).EntireRow.Delete
FirstBlankRow = Range("A5").Offset(1, 1).Row
Range("A" & FirstBlankRow).Select
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).EntireRow.Delete
Range("A5").Value = ""
End If
ImportFileDetails.Range("B4").Value = "File Names"
End Sub
From: | Andy B |
When: | 19 May 20 at 09:16 |
Sadly we don't have time to reply to enquiries like this, but I've posted your query in case anyone else can help.
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