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We have 28 VBA - scraping websites videos listed below.
Posted by Andrew Gould on 14 November 2016
Posted by Andrew Gould on 14 November 2016
Posted by Andrew Gould on 07 May 2019
Posted by Andrew Gould on 03 June 2019
Posted by Andrew Gould on 03 June 2019
Posted by Andrew Gould on 05 June 2019
Posted by Andrew Gould on 17 November 2016
Posted by Andrew Gould on 21 November 2016
Posted by Andrew Gould on 14 January 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 21 October 2023
Posted by Andrew Gould on 15 January 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 18 January 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 20 January 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 28 January 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 03 May 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 02 August 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 21 August 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 03 April 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 03 April 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 03 April 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 29 July 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 31 July 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 08 August 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 12 August 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 13 August 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 11 December 2021
Posted by Andrew Gould on 04 November 2023
Posted by Andrew Gould on 11 November 2023
You might also like to consider booking a place on one of our online or classroom VBA courses, where you could meet the owls behind the videos!
From: | marklah |
When: | 08 May 20 at 19:36 |
Hi Andrew,
I hope you and your family are keeping safe during these tough times.
First of all, we can’t really thank you enough for videos and another resources you made available in this very informative site. I have really benefited from your videos - and in particular during the current lockdown - (which was a great opportunity for many to improve their overall skills). I have already started using what I have learned to automate many of the tasks related to my work.
With regards to web scrapping videos: there is still two/three things that I can’t find:
1. Filling an auto complete/auto select text. For example : entering a city name in ( data entered should also be verified/matches from the auto- complete saved city , which is normally the first city they appear in top, example, putting London > London, then Greater London, United Kingdom option would be the correct one). As you can see, the data entered needs to be verified / matches first before hitting the search button otherwise an error would occur.
2. Choosing travel/return data from the pop-up selection board.(this one is a direct choice rather than an auto-complete option like the city choice).
3. Pretty close to 2: choosing date, month and then year before hiiting go on (I can then parse the result in Excel using one of the method you explained in your videos) . Note please that I was able to use URL concatenation on other section on the site, but this one as you can see requires to use the drop down method instead.
Many thanks once again and looking forward to hearing from you
Stay safe
From: | Andy B |
When: | 09 May 20 at 11:02 |
We sadly haven't got time to answer, but I've left this post up in case any other users of this website can help?
From: | kishor0025 |
When: | 23 Apr 20 at 16:31 |
Hi Andrew,
I'm Kartick from India. I've learned a lot of things about VBA from your Videos on YouTube. You're absolutely genius. But, recently I've faced a problem. Can you please give a solution on how should I count the number of tables on a certain Webpage? For your information, I tried the below code. But, instead of giving me the count of Total no of Tables on that Webpage, it's giving the count of Total no of Rows of all Tables on that page. Please, Andrew, give me a solution. I'm counting on you. I'm giving my code below... ------------
Sub Count_Tables_on_a_Webpage ()
Dim IE as SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Set IE = New ShDocVw.InternetExplorer
IE.Visible = True
IE.Navigate ""
Do While IE.ReadyState <> ReadyState_Complete
Dim Doc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Set Doc = IE.Document
Dim TBLs as _ MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Set TBLs = Doc.getElementsbyTagName("Table")
MsgBox TBLs.Length
End Sub
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 23 Apr 20 at 19:29 |
Hi Kartick,
Happy to hear you've been finding the videos useful!
When I run your code it reports that there are 115 tables.
If I open the webpage in Google Chrome I can press CTRL + U to view the page source in a new tab. If I press CTRL + F and search for "<table" it also reports that there are 115 tables.
So your code appears to be working correctly. I think that the page simply contains many more tables than it seems when you look at the web page in a browser. For example, each cell in the main table which displays a small column chart actually contains a nested table.
I don't know how many tables you expect to find but you might try looking for elements based on a class name rather than tag name. For example, if you use this code to set the TBLs variable:
Set TBLs = Doc.getElementsByClassName("cr_dataTable")
When I run the code it reports that there are only 2 tables.
I hope that helps!
From: | kishor0025 |
When: | 27 Apr 20 at 13:02 |
Thank you so much Sir, I am really happy to get the solution from you. You are just awesome. Sir, I'm looking for a good teacher for Oracle and Python. Will you teach me? My Whatsapp No is +91 8777425150. I'm from India. I wish you were born in India. Our country really really needs teachers like you. May God fulfill your every wish!
From: | Andy B |
When: | 27 Apr 20 at 15:01 |
We're hoping to publish self-paced tutorials on Python online some time in the next few months - make sure you subscribe to our monthly email newsletter, and yoi'll hear about this as soon as it happens!
From: | Smithy58 |
When: | 03 Mar 20 at 16:34 |
Hi i was wondering if you have anything on scraping websites using Chrome and Excel VBA?
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 04 Mar 20 at 07:29 |
Hi Colin,
I'm afraid that we don't have anything on that topic but you could check out Selenium if automating Chrome is what you want
I hope that helps!
From: | puneeth007 |
When: | 25 Jul 19 at 08:09 |
Hello Andrew,
Thanks alot for the videos, i have a problem when i login to the a website a new pop up window will be opened and all the required content to be gathered will be there in the new window. Please help me out how to activate the sencod window and get data from the newly opened window.
Thanks in advance.
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 29 Jul 19 at 07:47 |
Hi there,
I haven't tried this but perhaps one of these links will help:
I hope that helps!
From: | SantosEloy |
When: | 08 May 19 at 15:18 |
Hi Andrew,
First of all, thank you very much for your videos, I've learnt a lot with them.
I have a problem with this web page
I'm able to web thorught the web, but I can't make click on the checkbox which is near the text "Precios de la Energia". With you videos I was able to change the status of the checkbox from rtUnchecked to rtChecked, but the result is very different than when I click on the web ..
I think when I click on the web page some code is executed, but I can see how to do it ...
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 09 May 19 at 08:00 |
Hi there,
I've had a very quick look at the site you linked to but I'm going to need a little more time to work out how it works! I'm teaching a training course for the next two days and so I won't get chance to do this until next week I'm afraid! If you're in need of a quick answer can I suggest perhaps posting a question on stackoverflow? They have lots of people eager to answer questions exactly like this!
I hope that helps and thanks for the question!
From: | Brendon |
When: | 15 Sep 18 at 01:06 |
Hi Andrew
Are you able to help on below, I am attempting to scrape the "Bid Price" from a website but get "[object] as a return value.
I'm sure have faulted with element collections, would appreciate you assistance.
Thnak you
Sub Price_from_BB()
Dim XMLPriceRequest As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
Dim HTMLPriceSheet As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim ProductPrice As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
XMLPriceRequest.Open "GET", ",5#/details/350041", False
HTMLPriceSheet.body.innerHTML = XMLPriceRequest.responseText
Set ProductPrice = HTMLPriceSheet.getElementById("buttonSELL350041")
Sheet1.Range("A1").Value = HTMLPriceSheet
Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Now
Set XMLPriceRequest = Nothing
End Sub
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 15 Sep 18 at 09:46 |
Hi Brendon,
The reason that you're seeing [object] in cell A1 is that you've assigned the HTMLDocument to it. I imagine that what you're arrempting to do is write the table of assets into the worksheet? In which case you'll probably need to loop over the individual elements of the table to identify the values you need. The techniques you need to do this are explained in the Excel VBA Part 47 - Browsing to Websites and Scraping Web Page video.
I hope that helps!
From: | Jouhar |
When: | 06 Sep 18 at 09:21 |
Hi Andrew,
I am trying to upload a file to a web page, the following are the steps I followed:
1. Open the web page
2. Wait for until the page is getting loaded
3. In this webpage I am uploading the file into the first “Upload a File” browser.
4. Get the input element by tag name as “input”
5. Hit the “browse” button, since the paste portion is disabled.
6. Enter the file path in the “Choose File to Upload” window (path is in excel eg :D:\MArgin Discovery (Businness Assurance)\practice2.xlsx )
7. Enter After 5th step, I am not able to enter the file path in the “Choose File to Upload” window, looks like the macro is not supporting for this.
Here is my code:
Sub File_Test()
Dim HTMLButtons As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
ie.Visible = True
ie.navigate ""
Do While ie.readyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
Set HTMLDoc = ie.document
Set HTMLButtons = HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("input")
For Each HTMLButton In HTMLButtons
If HTMLButton.Type = "file" Then
HTMLButton.Value = "C:\Documents\Test\Temp.txt"
Exit For
End If
Kindly help how to enter path name when input type is file.
Thank you
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 06 Sep 18 at 10:02 |
I was going to suggest Stack Overflow but I see that you've already posted the question there! You might try some of the suggestions at this link
From: | suntaokc |
When: | 18 Aug 18 at 22:32 |
Thanks again for your awesome videos.
On VBA part 47 video, you show us how to input a value, click the "Go" search button, and scrape contents from queried URL. I used the same technique to scrape the page after the search button is clicked. It didn't return value (innertext).
Wonder if you can help me out.
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 20 Aug 18 at 07:27 |
You can reference the Document property of the IE object after navigating to the second page to access the HTML and text of the page. You may need to introduce a delay to your code to allow IE to catch up with the instruction to navigate to a new page before you attempt to read its contents. The example below shows how you could do this:
Sub NavigateToAnotherPage()
Dim IE As New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim HTMLParagraph As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
Dim HTMLParagraphs As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
IE.Visible = True
IE.navigate ""
Debug.Print "First Page = ", IE.LocationName, IE.LocationURL
IE.Document.forms("searchform").elements("search").Value = "Document Object Model"
'Wait two seconds
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02")
Set HTMLDoc = IE.Document
Set HTMLParagraphs = HTMLDoc.getElementsByTagName("p")
Debug.Print "Second Page = ", IE.LocationName, IE.LocationURL
For Each HTMLParagraph In HTMLParagraphs
Debug.Print HTMLParagraph.innerText
Next HTMLParagraph
End Sub
From: | cassius |
When: | 12 Jun 18 at 14:37 |
Thank you sir for your tutorials
please help me, i'm trying to run your example code, but it gives me error "access denied",
how can I solve this kind of error?
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 13 Jun 18 at 07:01 |
Hi, the most likely reason for the error is that the Wise Owl website has been updated to use https rather than http since the video was made. You should be able to replace any reference to "http" in the code to "https" to solve the problem.
I hope that helps!
From: | Tahor |
When: | 25 May 18 at 09:17 |
Viewed Video #47 on youtube.
Any plans to expand on XHR in Excel VBA, especially with session cookies?
From: | Andy B |
When: | 25 May 18 at 12:34 |
There aren't, I'm afraid!
From: | dude6571 |
When: | 17 May 18 at 10:29 |
Hi Andrew,
Thank you so much for the 3 videos about Web scraping. It did guide me a lot on how to identify HTML code. Your approach is great. I seem unable to find any routine of auto login (username, password) to web site via VBA code.
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 18 May 18 at 07:53 |
Hi, we don't have a video on how to do this but there are plenty of suggestions out there for ways to do this:
Of course the exact technique you'll use will depend on the page you're using to login but hopefully that's enough to point you in the right direction!
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