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Posted by Andrew Gould on 31 July 2021
Learn how to hold down modifier keys such as Shift, Ctrl and Alt when you click a link in Google Chrome using Selenium for VBA.
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From: | JoeNoEskimo |
When: | 26 Apr 23 at 04:15 |
Hi Andrew,
I figured out the key to setting focus on the popup form, I just had to get the correct element. Now I'm on to setting check boxes. :-) I think your part 57.7 on drop down lists has me going in the right direction.
Thanks again,
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 26 Apr 23 at 07:01 |
Sounds like you're making good progress!
From: | JoeNoEskimo |
When: | 27 Apr 23 at 03:45 |
Hey Andrew, I beat it into submission!
This worked to select the option I want:
Set DropDownOption = ChromeDriver.FindElementByCss(".search-bar-left")
ChromeDriver.Wait 1000
Set DropDownOption = ChromeDriver.FindElementByXPath("//*[@id='add-search-household-component']/div/div[3]/div/div/div/div/div[3]")
ChromeDriver.Wait 1000
But, if you have anything else to share on non-select element drop downs, I'd welcome it.
Thanks again,
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 27 Apr 23 at 06:47 |
Hi Joe!
That looks as good a solution as any. The important thing is that it works!
From: | JoeNoEskimo |
When: | 27 Apr 23 at 02:49 |
Hi Andrew,
Your code helped me loop through the checkbox element and get the ids that let me select them, but now I'm trying to select a value from a drop down and have not found the trick yet. Unfortunately it is not a select element, it is a series of dev statements, kind of like you mentioned at minute 2.22 in video 57.7.
This code gave me the ids for the checkboxes which allows me to select the ones I want:
Set CheckBoxOptions = ChromeDriver.FindElementsByCss(".parent-label")
For Each CheckBoxOption In CheckBoxOptions
Debug.Print CheckBoxOption.text, CheckBoxOption.Attribute("id")
Next CheckBoxOption
Choice Pantry label-for-primaryServicesFormControl-IndependenceFoodbasket-ChoicePantry
Food Pantry - TEFAP label-for-primaryServicesFormControl-IndependenceFoodbasket-FoodPantry-TEFAP
Rent Assistance label-for-primaryServicesFormControl-IndependenceFoodbasket-RentAssistance
Utility Assistance label-for-primaryServicesFormControl-IndependenceFoodbasket-UtilityAssistance
Prescription Assistance label-for-primaryServicesFormControl-IndependenceFoodbasket-PrescriptionAssistance
Fuel Assistance label-for-primaryServicesFormControl-IndependenceFoodbasket-FuelAssistance
But similar code is not working for the drop down, no ids.:-(
Set DropDownOption = ChromeDriver.FindElementByCss(".search-bar-left")
ChromeDriver.Wait 1000
Set DropDownOptions = ChromeDriver.FindElementsByCss(".overlay-container")
For Each DropDownOption In DropDownOptions
Debug.Print DropDownOption.text, DropDownOption.Attribute("id")
Next DropDownOption
Alt. Id
Date of Birth
Phone #
Did I miss a video where you showed how to select a value from this type of drop down?
From: | JoeNoEskimo |
When: | 24 Apr 23 at 19:18 |
Hello. Thanks so much for your videos. I am trying to send the Enter key to a website via SeleniumBasic. I have been beating my head against the wall for several hours now. Nothing is working. I tried to do the following like you did for Shift in this video.
Dim URL As String, ChromeDriver As selenium.ChromeDriver
Dim Keys As New selenium.Keys
Dim Element As selenium.WebElement
ChromeDriver.Get URL
ChromeDriver.FindElementByName("queryString").SendKeys (NeighborName)
Set Element = ChromeDriver.FindElementByName("queryString")
Element.Click Keys.Enter
But no luck.
This is after trying several other methods including:
ChromeDriver.FindElementByName("queryString").SendKeys (Keys.Enter)
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Joe Jones
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 25 Apr 23 at 07:22 |
Hi Joe!
You could try the Application.SendKeys method
Application.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
I hope it helps!
From: | JoeNoEskimo |
When: | 26 Apr 23 at 00:22 |
Thanks Andrew. I had tried that too. But, I got around that issue using what I learned from you on the FindElementByCss cmd, I had been trying by class, but it was throwing an error. There was an icon for to initiate the search that I was able to find and click on instead of sending an Enter key.
Now I'm on to the next challenge, setting focus to a popup form so I can populate fields on it. I thought maybe the SwitchToNextWindow cmd you demoed in 57.6 might work, but its not another tab, its a popup window.
BTW, I am new to Selenium and HTL in general, your videos have been very helpful, thanks! My expertise is in MS Access. My current project is to write data from my food pantry database to a volunteer hours website to remove the need for double entry.
From: | Andrew G |
When: | 26 Apr 23 at 07:01 |
Happy to hear that you found a solution Joe, good luck with your project!
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