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We also send out useful tips in a monthly email newsletter ...
The items included in this newsletter are listed below. Our newsletter go out about once a month - if you'd like to subscribe, just let us know!
We've published our course schedule up to the end of 2025 as a handy bookmarkable or printable four-sided PDF document. We can't guarantee that nothing will change, but we can guarantee that if you book a place on one of our standard scheduled courses it will run.
Custom GPTs exist on almost any subject: from looking up whether something is a priority in your organisation's business plan all the way through to subtly skewing any answers to include the benefits of getting a second cat. Read our blog to find out what custom GPTs are (it includes 3 examples of custom GPTs that we've created and 5 instances of where you could use them in your organisation).
Have you ever yearned for a better formula editor in Excel? Or wanted to write calls to ChatGPT from an Excel formula? Or perhaps you've been longing to include the output from Python scripts in your worksheets? If the answer to any of these questions is an enthusiastic yes, you should maybe consider enabling the Excel Labs add-in from the Microsoft Garage skunk works.
The September 2024 Power BI update introduced a new dark mode (think gloomy colours, not Slytherin or Darth Vader), as well as visual calculations and visual format strings being enabled by default.
Since that isn't terribly exciting, here's something which is: thanks to everyone who has helped us to reach over 50 five-star Google reviews!
What better way could there be to reduce your stress than to watch a giraffe ambling through the Namibian bush to drink at a watering hole? It's got absolutely nothing to do with computers or training, but we couldn't resist telling you about these live Namibian wildlife cams (and many more besides).
For this month's competition you've invited to do our 20-question Super Autumnal Quiz. Loyal readers will know that you probably won't get all of the answers right, but you'll have fun and learn some interesting facts along the way. After finishing the quiz you'll be able to submit your answer, giving you a chance of winning this month's £50 voucher (and a modicum of fame). Your chance of winning will be greater the better you do in the quiz.
Congratulations to Rory O'Connor for winning last month's logic puzzle - a £50 voucher is on its way to him. You can see the answer to last month's puzzle here.
Note that to keep our website content up-to-date we only publish newsletters from the last 3 calendar years.
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