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Does changing the range for prime test to
for possible_prime in range(2,int(test_number/2)):
will make code more effiecient.
Hi Andrew,
I think I made scroll increase in month increment if clicked on right side using below code
Private mCurrentScrollPos As Long
Private Sub FilmDateScroll_Change()
FilmDate.Text = Format(CDate(FilmDateScroll.Value), "d mmm yyyy")
If (FilmDateScroll.Value < mCurrentScrollPos) Then
FilmDateScroll.LargeChange = DateDiff("d", _
DateAdd("m", -1, CDate(FilmDateScroll.Value)) _
, CDate(FilmDateScroll.Value))
FilmDateScroll.LargeChange = DateDiff("d", _
CDate(FilmDateScroll.Value), _
DateAdd("m", 1, CDate(FilmDateScroll.Value)))
End If
mCurrentScrollPos = FilmDateScroll.Value
End Sub
Let me know if there is something else I should consider.
Dear Andrew,
I went through all of your 22 Excel VBA - Basics over 1 weekend.
These are best training videos that I have ever gone through free or paid. I have taken many paid and free training videos, but these videos stand out by far. Content is perfect, pace is just right and best thing is that you are not using pre-written codes, that allows viewers like me do the code simultaneously to get hands on. and make notes in the code itself. Even then it never feels that videos are slow or less content is covered. Many others have already commented about your English, it is perfect for a training video.
I just wish I would have watched your videos earlier and had been much more efficient and productive at work.
Looking forward to complete remaining of the 122 VBA videos.
Thanks, Surendra
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