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I think the following query should work too!
SELECT EventName
,CASE WHEN EventName LIKE '[AEIOU]%' AND EventName LIKE '%[aeiou]' THEN 'Begin and ends with vowel'
ELSE 'Same Letter' END AS Verdict
FROM tblEvent
Order BY Verdict
Why do we need to use the CASE function?
What's wrong with this:
SELECT EventName, EventDate, ( (DATENAME(Weekday, EventDate)) + ' ' + (DATENAME(day, EventDate)) + 'th ' + (DATENAME(month, EventDate)) + ' ' + (DATENAME(year, EventDate)) ) AS 'Full Date'
FROM [tblEvent]
ORDER BY EventDate
I am not getting any results. Is this the right code?
use doctorwho
Select companionname
from tblCompanion as c
left outer join tblEpisodeCompanion as e
on c.CompanionId=e.EpisodeCompanionId
where e.EpisodeCompanionId =null
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