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Hi, I have one question. Partly by using your super useful vide's I started trying extracting data from websites to excel. There is one thing though that just keeps failing. Here is an example of the code written. The line:
Debug.print Classnames.length
keeps returning 0, whatever searchtype I use, classname, tagname, id. Could you find any incorrect use of code in here?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Const HappyEmpURL As String = ""
Sub GetDataFromWebsite()
Dim HTMLDoc As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim Article1 As MSHTML.IHTMLElement
Dim Classnames As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
XMLReq.Open "GET", HappyEmpURL, False
If XMLReq.Status <> 200 Then
MsgBox "Problem" & vbNewLine & XMLReq.Status & "-" & XMLReq.statusText
Exit Sub
End If
HTMLDoc.Body.innerHTML = XMLReq.responseText
Set Classnames = HTMLDoc.getElementsByClassName("mx-layoutcontainer-center mx-scrollcontainer-center ")
Debug.Print Classnames.Length
For Each Article1 In Classnames
Article1.getElementsByid ("159b6aef-dbc3-5b23-a735-cf99f8341771-1")
Debug.Print Article1.getAttribute("href"), Article1.innerText, Article1.className
Next Article1
End Sub
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